October 31, 2011

Dr Vedder-Farnsworth

Another one of my little yogis has become a doctor!  Lindsey defended her dissertation today and did a beautiful job!

Congrats lady :)

That's her on the left, a photo from my baby shower because
I haven't yet gotten any other pics of her today :)

October 29, 2011

Dr Gandy

Well Johanna defended her dissertation!  She is now a doctor!

Last night Rob and I went to Surin with Johanna, Ray, Rosy, and Gautam to celebrate.

I've been eating a lot of Thai food lately, huh?

October 28, 2011

A retrieval mission.


My kid is never coming out on her own.

I check into the hospital to start induction procedures on Tuesday night Nov 1.  Pitocin starting Wednesday. They will give me all the time they can to get her out, but there is a real possibility of a c section, I realize, especially with me being a first-timer.  So I'm hoping all goes well and I'm just going to sit back and let it happen :)

That is all for now.  Hopefully my next post will contain some pictures of Emerald!

October 26, 2011

Hello, Due Date!

Today is Emerald's due date!  Of course I expected this day to come and go with pretty much no excitement.  Due dates are complete bullshit, after all. But now that it's here, I'm more impatient than ever to meet her.  

Plus, I'm ready to wear pants with zippers again.  For real, y'all, I might just go get a pair of jeans that have zippers ALL OVER THEM.  That's how much I miss zippers.  Pregnant lady pants don't like to stay up. 

Here is what we look like after a full 40 weeks of happily gestating:

I'd also like to brag a little because my shoes and rings still fit.  And I'm at work today (what else am I supposed to do?).  And I have worked out 4 times in the past week, seriously, including weights! Though I have to admit that my workouts are much lamer than they used to be.  But anyway, I feel I deserve a slew of gold stars. Getting excited!

October 22, 2011

Adventures in Sleeping

Lots of pregnant ladies complain that they can't sleep at all when they reach the final weeks of pregnancy.  I am not one of them.  In fact, I am a champion sleeper.  

There is the occasional night when I wake up at 4:30 a.m. and continue to be awake, but these nights are far less common than they used to be. I credit plenty of exercise and a cuddly cat for the fact that my sleeping is still going awesome.

But this is not an entirely happy story.

Last night, Rob and I were watching "The Walking Dead" (it's a great show!), and I fell asleep like I do as soon as I stop moving for two seconds.  Then I was startled awake by some kind of vibrating growly noise.  I was like, "what was that?", and Rob was like, "oh, it was you snoring".  WHAT.  I SNORE?

And then this happened about two more times as I kept falling asleep and then waking myself up by snoring.  Snoring.  Uck.  It used to be that only Mr. Homie snored at my house.  It's not his fault, he is husky.

Evidently I snore now.  It's the newest pregnant lady development, and is pretty much guaranteed to go away when I'm not pregnant anymore. It's hard to say whether the snoring goes away because I won't be pregnant or because I'll have a tiny human keeping me from sleeping.  

October 19, 2011

Things my dog loves...

in order of how much she loves them.

1.  Robert
2.  Going for walks
3.  Anything made of fleece
4.  Hummus
5.  Popcorn
6.  Me (but only if I'm holding the leash, covered up with a fleece blanket, or having hummus or popcorn)

Also, if Rob and I are sitting next to each other, she wedges in between us so she can sit next to him.

And while I'm at it:

Things Mr Homie loves:

1.  Me (HAH!)
2.  Sparkle Ball

Things Slick loves:

1.  Being an asshole
2.  Food

October 17, 2011

Creme Brulee Birthday

I had an awesome and laid back bday weekend!  Saturday we got up SUPER early because Rob hired a cleaning service to come clean our house!  Nothing like not having to scrub a toilet on your birthday.  They did a great job (and all the windows).  So we went on an adventure and came home to a clean house!

We went to Chic-Fi-A for breakfast because we had coupons for free chicken bagels/burritos/biscuits. So that was cool.  Then we went to the market and had coffee and listened to the band.  We also went to the jewelry store and I got to point out all the expensive things I liked (maybe Santa needed some new ideas...). Then we went to the antique store and bought a new (to us) table and chairs!  It's all delightful and vintage-y with the most comfy kitchen chairs in the world.  So we were going to replace our old kitchen table and use the new one in the nook in our kitchen.  But then we decided that we would put it in our abnormally large living room because we ALWAYS need more table space when we have guests. Plus, it looks really good in there with the wood mantle and floors.  So now we have two tables and eight chairs.  Here is a pic of our new table in the nook in our kitchen, but now it isn't there anymore.  Anyway, you get the idea:

The top needs to be refinished, but other than that it's in perfect condition.

Then for my bday dinner we decided to cook steaks at home.  We've been doing this lately because Rob seriously makes the BEST steaks in the world and we are always sad when we go out for steak and pay lots of money and have regrets.  Plus I got to stay in my pajamas which is nice because that's the outfit that fits best right now! 
So he made steak and it was SO YUMMY.  And in the spirit of balanced meals, we also had garlic bread and roasted potatoes.  (Shut up it was my birthday and I wanted a carb feast!)  And Rob made my very favorite dessert, creme brulee!  It was his first batch, but it turned out perfectly textured and delicious.  Which was impressive, because the ONE TIME I made creme brulee I used a mix (yep they make those) and then I torched it too soon and it was a disaster.  Let's just say that patience isn't my strong suit.

Have a great week everyone :)

October 14, 2011

In other news:

Based upon my doctor's appointment today, our kid is NEVER coming out.

The thing is that I am really doing fine (although my ass is starting to take up a measurable amount of real estate), I measure small anyway so I figured there wouldn't be much to get excited about this early. I'm just being dramatic and I'm starting to get sad because my coping skills are disappearing rapidly.

As I've said many times before, pregnancy is really fun as long as I don't have to talk to most people. I'm getting irritated by these types of exchanges (below).  I don't mind talking to my friends, family, coworkers, etc about this stuff, but strangers who wouldn't normally talk to me are suddenly very interested in my ladyparts.  And that, my dear readers, is WEIRD.

Person:  When is your baby due?

Me:  1 and a half weeks.

Person:  Did you have your baby yet? (does this even need to be asked?)

Me:  No.

Person:  Wow you look like you might explode any day now.

Me:  Thanks?

Person:  You're pregnant!

Me:  Yep. (I've tried feigning surprise, but so far I'm not so good at it)

Person:  When are you due?

Me:  Oct 26.

Person:  Is it your first?

Me:  Yep.

Person:  Is it a boy or a girl?  (At this point I should just say I don't know)

Me:  Girl

Person:  Oh, what are you going to name it?  (They still say "it" as if I hadn't just told them I was having a girl, but I guess that's okay.)

Etc Etc.

But I do have fun at the gym (even with strangers!) because people are really nice there and tell me how good I am being by working out and whatnot.  Although really my exercise regiment is extremely sad these days. Anyway, they tell me stories about how great I look and how they wish they had been smart and not gained six million pounds when they were pregnant. And they always smile at me and open doors.  I'm sure they are secretly laughing at me on the inside, but that's okay. I love gym rats-the endorphins make them nicer than most people.

PLUS the undergrads find me fascinating for some reason.

So whatever Emerald's plans are, she certainly didn't share them with her momma. But it gives me time to go to the fabric store for cute iron-ons to make custom onesies!  

Birthday Happies

Well.  I'm turning 30 on Sunday.  30!  Can you believe it?  I certainly don't feel 30, but I don't know what it's supposed to feel like exactly.

Anyway, last night Amy (her birthday is Tuesday!) and I had dinner with some close friends to celebrate a little early. We don't know, after all, when little Emerald is going to make her grand arrival-she has plans of her own that she didn't even share with her momma.

Edie planned the dinner AND MADE STRAWBERRY CUPCAKES!  And I had leftover Thai food, so bonus points for that.  

This was much quieter than last year's Thrift Store Prom, and I had high hopes of an ice-skating party this year, but alas it will have to wait :)

And now, a cheesy cell phone photo-thanks Edielicious :)

1.  Amy got new boots for her birthday!
2.  I am starting to look like a tired pregnant lady, but I guess it HAS been 38 weeks.
3.  Check me out holding tight to my leftovers lol.

October 5, 2011

Praise Cheez-us

Sarah Palin is not running for president.

One less thing for me to worry about.

Although I kind of wish she would have at least done a few debates-that chick is hilarious.

October 4, 2011

Best in Show.

Today I participated in poster session and presented my research!  I won the prize for best postdoc poster, $250!! I'm sure that someone felt bad for me since obviously I soon have to start shelling out cash for daycare. I have to say that the prospect of winning money was the main reason for submitting a poster in the first place.  I mean, if I was being honest, that's what I would say.

The poster session was part of a symposium for cognitive disorders, and there was free breakfast, lunch, and dinner involved.  AND the dinner was at Vulcan Park (which you might know is where Rob and I got married about 2.5 years ago).  We have not been back there since our wedding, and it was so surreal to walk around in the same place where I put on my wedding dress and got all hitched and stuff. So much has happened since then, it's hard to believe it's only been two and half years.  But anyway, I'll spare you the mushy musings.  But we did take some pictures to commemorate our visit.

On the city overlook at our wedding.

And today atop the Vulcan Tower--a lovely sunset too!

In other news, the internet machine (and all the baby books and apps) tells me that as of tomorrow, the kid is "at term".  Which means she could arrive anytime.  But let's be realistic.  I'll be pregnant forever.