Today I went to High Intensity Interval Training (HITT!) at the gym. And we did a very intense cardio circuit that involved 10 burpees, a sprint around the track, 9 burpees, a sprint around the track, 8 burpees, a sprint around the track...all the way down to 1 burpee and a sprint around the track. It was a great and efficient workout. AND I CAME IN FIRST. ME. I DID. Maybe I am not 100% awesome 100% of the time, but I feel awesome right now.
I have to say that I have been working as hard as a 6 month old can allow to get my body back in great shape. I now weigh 5 lb less than when I first got pregnant, and obviously my cardio abilities have returned. I feel good about myself, and just had to share it.
So. Moving on to other things.
I didn't really make a "real" Mother's Day post, just told you all about Em's new crawling skillzzz.
So now that I've had my first official Mother's Day (Rob made breakfast, got me flowers and a very sweet card, and made me feel special all day-I love that man), I have been thinking about all the tell tale signs that someone has a child.
Besides the obvious things like rolling a jogging stroller down the road because you have to work out and your husband is working late and you have no babysitter/eligible grandparents around.
Can you tell by our flats? Luckily flats are in style now. I do still wear heels to teach in and on dates, but I have to say that I no longer have to worry about "ruining my stilettos". Which is good because I am too busy worrying that I left the baby in the car all day.
Can you tell because we seem to have more feelings than everyone else? I certainly try to not share mine with everyone I see, but I cry a lot more now than before I had a baby.
Can you tell because we no longer think that 10 minutes is no time at all?
This is how I can tell I'm a mom. I am still VERY EXCITED that Em "brought" this home for me from daycare. Yes, it is comprised of glitter, construction paper, magic marker, and glue. And at the moment, it is one of my most prized possessions.
Look how thrilled she looks to be in another picture.
I'm hoping everyone is having a great week-we are off next week for a "Staycation", because planning a family vacation was incredibly too stressful. But I have already failed and planned an experiment for Monday that I can't reverse. Great job, Keri. Great. Job.