Hey Y'all. Yes I know I've been ignoring all of you. But not on purpose, I swears it! Anyway, to fill you in.
Last weekend, starting on Friday night, Bella decided that her favorite thing in the world to do is to eat poop. Preferably cat poop but any will do. Then she likes to wait until we are either:
a) not home
b) sound asleep
AND THEN PUKE IT BACK UP ALL OVER THE MIGHTY HOUSE. (You guys did know that we replaced the "F" bomb with the word "mighty", right?)
So that's been fun.
Also, I went to spend the night over at my friend Aimee Franklin's house with some other girls, and we went out to eat and had some yummy snacks at her house while we watched "The Devil Wears Prada". How do I not get tired of that movie, by the way? Me and Edie got romantic and shared some pink sparkly moscato. Then, THEN!! I slept until almost 10 the next morning because I was on baby vacation, bitches. (No replacement word for "bitches" yet. Taking suggestions.) After we gossiped our way through breakfast, I taught a yoga class for the ones that were still there, for old times' sake.
Then it was Monday again, faster than I could blink. I am teaching a freshman biology course for non-majors at Stillman College twice a week this semester. They all thought I was a student when I got in, which means they all get A's. Otherwise, it was your normal hectic week at work and at home.
This past weekend, I really couldn't avoid cleaning the house anymore. There really is nothing like the threat of impending company to make you rake the trash out of the house and wipe at least the top layer of dust off the dining room table. Rob's uncle Gary might be passing through on Thursday night for a very quick visit. So yesterday I cleaned. All the Things.
And last night I folded this, plus two more loads of laundry. It is mostly put away, too. Told you the laundry was hampering my creativity. (Pun intended? Sure.) Slick sat around wondering when he could have his bed back, dammit.
Also, Em really really enjoys playing in the laundry, which is the cutest thing.
I know it looks like she never wears real clothes, but she usually does the cutest stuff in the morning before she gets dressed. But I do put clothes on her...sometimes.
Okay so speaking of pictures of the cat, Homie mostly napped where Em couldn't pull his tail while yelling, "Dog! Dog!"
And finally, we have a video of Em walking! And doing other kind of not-exciting things. She is walking near the beginning of the video before she becomes fascinated with Rob's shoes. Like I said, it's not very riveting material, but her earlier attempts at walking consisted of two steps followed by sorrow and tears. She has been walking a few weeks, but only sporadically. So we waited for that stage to pass before we posted any videos.
A real conversation between Joy and I:
Me: You know, Em kind of looks like a zombie when she walks.
Joy: Well, OBVIOUSLY she needs a shirt that says "Not a Zombie".
Also, I realized that I never posted this one of her playing the piano and dancing (from her pre-walking days--also not wearing clothes):
Happy Monday!