So. I just realized it has been almost a month since I bombarded you with pictures of my most-adorable kid. Yes, I know I'm the only one who thinks she is the most adorable. And about 75% of the time (when I'm wiping her snot and keeping her from pitching a fit to play with my iPod), even I'm thinking there must be better deals out there than this one. Still, I allow her to be an inside baby rather than an outside baby. Rob? He is a different story...
Anyway, Em is happy all the time and always doing something. She likes to tell on us when we leave the dog/cat water bowl where she can reach it. There is generally a lot of running back and forth and yelling, "UH-OH". She loves to read her books, climb, run, and play chase. She dislikes sitting still unless it's for bedtime snuggles. DO NOT MESS WITH HER BEDTIME SNUGGLES.
Two favorites: A box and a snuggly. Doesn't matter which one, but this day
Velveteen Rabbit won the "snuggly of the day" privilege.
Recently this hobo came into our back yard and started playing on the steps...
She will really only ever sit still if she thinks it's what the grownups are doing. Then she's all about it.
She has commandeered every part of the house, even Bells' sleeping quarters.

Pretty soon (a couple of weeks from now) we will be getting her a big girl bed with new bedding! And getting the crib ready for Harper's arrival. I'm excited to do their room, even though Harper will sleep in a cradle next to our bed for about 3 months, most likely, because that's what Em did until she slept through the night. Makes things a little more convenient if you have to get up 3 dozen times per night. As an aside, 2nd pregnancy is nothing like the first. If for nothing else, it's the healthy dose of reality that comes with it. I know exactly what kind of shit I'm getting myself into! We are so excited to meet little Harper, though-only 12 more weeks to go! She kicks like a mule and I can already tell her "basic sleep/wake schedule" is way different than Em's was. Em was and is an early sleeper and early riser. Harper parties well into the night and wakes up the next afternoon. I'll let you decide which kid takes after which parent!
Recently Em went to spend the night with Joy and Charlie (and their 9 year old son, Aidan), and surprised them all with how much she can eat. They went to IHOP and she had three scrambled eggs and five silver-dollar pancakes! She runs it all off though, and our pediatrician told me this week, "well, she is quite skinny...".
We also went to Joy and Charlie's house to watch the Superbowl! They are from Baltimore originally, hence, the dog (Deuce) was dyed purple for the occasion. Otherwise it was very festive and I'm really glad for the mental well-being of Charlie's parents that the Ravens won the game.
Also, we bit the bullet and bought a vehicle! We had been wanting an Escape Hybrid (pre-owned), with low mileage and a good price. We found it! And got a better deal than we had hoped for. Now I'm going to be honest and say "we" had no part in this. With all that has been going on lately, I put Rob totally and completely in charge of the car. I told him I have the car I love, and he should get what he wants. So he did. We now have a light green 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid. He is so happy that he went out to visit it first thing this morning in the driveway. I really like it too, and I think it'll be a great car for our family of 4-and good on gas also!
Em is SO not into photos these days. This is Em and Rob in the new car!
So far she has set off the panic alarm twice.
Once at 8:30 p.m. last night. Once at 8:30 a.m. this morning.
And finally, it is Valentine's Day!! I don't know if any of you remember last year, when I sucked at Valentine's Day! You can read all about that adventure
here. Anyway, I was inadequate at Valentine's Day last year and was determined to not repeat that little catastrophe. This year, there is a Valentine's Day party at Amy's house where Em currently spends her days (we are SO THANKFUL for Amy, by the way, and Em is so happy hanging out there with the other four girls!).
Ways I am adequate this year:
1. I made the Valentine's-I only needed about 10 so I didn't want to buy a whole pack of thirty. Plus, mine are superior to anything the store sells-let's just admit that and move on. PLUS it was free because I have a large amount of card-stock as well as hot glue. I'm now minus fingerprints from hot gluing, but that's cool with me because I only get extra points for it.
2. I made cupcakes for the party (I also brought some to work for Joy and Lesley). They are just basic fun-fetti from the box, but the frosting is homemade buttercream with a little cream cheese added in. And then I tinted it with the hopes of it being pink, but it turned out lavender instead. Anyway, I still think I qualify as adequate on party food.
3. Em "made" Daddy a valentine too!
4. I put the kid in one of the most adorable outfits EVER. (Tommy and Donna got this for her, and I know they have been wanting to see her in it--so super cute--I hope it was worth waiting on a picture!)
For Valentine's Day, Em got a coloring book with Elmo on it, a York Peppermint Pattie, and a new (Hello Kitty!) lunchbox.
As far as other annoying news, we are digging ourselves out of the giant shit storm disaster that struck for the first 6 weeks of 2013. Slowly but surely. Mighty slowly.
Have a great day of love everyone!!