October 30, 2013


This video is probably about 6 weeks old, but check out Em rocking my stilettos!

October 25, 2013

The gauntlet

Well, we are getting pretty excited to run the gauntlet at our house. And by excited, well, you know what I mean.  Halloween is coming up this Thursdays, and we are going to crash Halloween in Joy and Charlie's neighborhood this year.  Em is going as a cowgirl and Harper is going as Wonderwoman.  Then, on Friday, the fam is coming to town to celebrate Em's 2nd birthday!  Weekend of festivities, followed by another week of work.  I have a job interview at AUM on Nov 8, then more work, then a conference Nov 13-16, during which Rob will have to fly solo.

I got Em some AWESOME stuff for her birthday, which she is simply going to lose her noodles about. And we are having a fish/ocean themed birthday party at the park, for which I am making cupcakes with fish on them.  It will be less of an insane crazy train than the last birthday party we had for her. I'm actually really excited about her birthday, somewhat excited for Halloween, and stupid-excited to get the other stuff behind me.

(Aside: I think for my interview I will do muscle contraction as my teaching demo.)

Last weekend was my birthday party, and we went for roller skating with friends, then margaritas!  Rob made me a pink cake with pink icing (my favorite), and we had some with breakfast (i.e. for  breakfast) the morning after the party. Em thought that probably this was the best day ever.

Em's feelings about having pink cake for breakfast:
(I will anxiously look forward to your judgements)

Em had cake.  I had cake then a laundry folding party.

Harper did this:

I recently taught bones at work for my A&P class.  
Gotta watch those skeletons.  
They can't be trusted once you let them out of the closet.

Since it is now cooler out in the mornings, hanging out under a pile of baby snuggles is 
much more enticing than going for a run.  
Love their little baby smells.

Hope everyone's week is great!  We are going to visit the pumpkin patch before it is too late!!

October 13, 2013

First Haircut and Other Adventures

Em, who seems to think that the hairbrush is a machete, had her first haircut recently!  This child, I swear, thinks I am going to kill her when I come toward her with a comb and ponytail holder.  Every day, I fix her hair.  Obviously, I have not killed her yet.  Anyway, her little ringlets were getting tangly at the ends, so I took her down the hill to Amy (i.e. Auntie Fifi) who was nice enough to accommodate us at 8 on a Saturday morning.  Em sat around the table and had a nectarine with her "sisters" and got a hair trim.  Best. Salon. Ever.

Harper did this while Em got a haircut:

I work late a few nights a week, but sometimes the kids are still up when I get home.  Such was the case one night this past week.  Obviously I was happy to be home, and Em was happy to get to wait up for me. Right after this picture was taken, she fell off the couch and onto her head.  We have not yet noticed any cognitive effects of her one millionth knock on the noggin.

Yesterday, I decided it was time to toss some toys and store others for Harper to use later. I have wondered many times since Em has been born exactly how long it would take before she caught on that "toy  cleanup day" is directly related to her room looking much cleaner.  The answer is exactly 23 months.  Perhaps fewer, since this is the first Toy Cleanup we have had in a little while.

She responded like this:

Meanwhile, Harper is just happy to be here.  Even though her light up musical mirror thing doesn't even work anymore.

Em enjoys helping with Harper/Forcibly feeding Harper a bottle. She looks partially annoyed/partially inconvenienced by this activity. Harper looks terrified.

Last weekend we decided to take Em to the Oak Mountain Fair.  She couldn't have been more ecstatic.

But, she did enjoy the petting zoo, carousel, spinning dragon ride thing, and the giant lemonade we got there. Harper was pretty unimpressed by the whole thing, but was happy to be outside.

Just had to sneak the following picture in.  Naptime=Peace on Earth.

Last night we went to a party, where I recruited the nearest kid to babysit.  This one is 3.  That is old enough right?

Natalie helps her Momma blow out candles.

Em ate approximately 1000 cupcakes.

Hey, hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!  The weather is gorgeous here in Birmingham!!