August 6, 2013

Traveling Circus

This past weekend was $5 day at the zoo, so we went and met our friend Liz with her babies there!  She has two boys, ages 2 and 1.  And Rob and I took both of our girls.  We had a great time!  Liz and I met in graduate school, and I'm not certain that she always liked me.  But we have found new common ground (funny how that works...) and really enjoyed getting the kids together and catching up. Neither one of us mentions our rocky past :)

Anyway, we got one good picture of the whole day, the carousel!

Hey, look who made it to the other side of the camera! The mommas!

The next day, Em did not want to take a nap.  She did a lot of things in protest, including covering her whole bed in baby wipes.  It was hysterical.  After I cleaned that up, she finally fell asleep.  She woke up looking (and acting) like this.  See, not always rainbows and angel farts when you have a toddler. She came around after a while, though.

In productivity news, we finally have secured our bannister so that Em doesn't crash between the rails and die when she runs down the stairs to greet her Dad after work.  Because let me just be honest.  She doesn't give a crap about me unless she needs new pants or a cookie.

In Harper news, she is almost three months old!  Today I got out the BeBePod seat for her to try since she's been attempting to sit up for the past couple of days.  She loved it!

Taking it pretty seriously.

Em used this opportunity to push her around the room.  Harper is unsure.

Ultimately, no one died (even though Em is not technically pictured here...) and Harper had a blast.

I know I am a mom, because I use the middle of the day (i.e. naptime!) to make dinner for myself and others.  Result?  Dinner is done at 2 pm.  For me and for my friends, the Castello's.

Seriously this chicken smells so good-I can't wait for suppertime!

Have a great week everyone :)

Kerita (Roasted Chicken) Banana

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