January 10, 2013


Hey Y'all, I'm back.

It's a long story about why I've been gone so long.  But I have been feeling a little bit (obviously) blog-lazy.

So I'm going to post some pictures.  And simply say this:

We had Christmas.

We had Christmas at my mom's:

Check out these two girls.

Rikki's cute family will be joined by a baby girl in June!  
Also, gotta mention here that Colby gave us deer steaks (fresh out of the forest) that we cooked for our "at home" Christmas Dinner.  We still have some in the freezer.  No I will not share it with you.

Tye helps "Mere" in the kitchen.

Did you notice Em's superfab boots?

I'm not sure that Em and Tye could look more excited. Sheesh.
But, to be fair, Emerald Mans is SERIOUS about her food.

Em's doll and stroller from Memere & TPa.

Then we had Christmas at our house:

Treats for Santa.
Bella ate these treats. Yes, including the fudge and drinking the milk.
Then suffered from chocolate poisoning for all of Christmas day.
Don't worry.  Santa eats enough treats anyway.

Staying up way too late on Christmas Eve. 
No one told me you have to HELP SANTA PUT TOGETHER THE PRESENTS.

Santa spoils.

What a Christmas morning!
(Yes, I might have saved this shape sorter from all the stuff she got for her birthday...thanks Aimee and Steven! She loves it!)

This pretty much sums it up.

Stocking time.

Oh, right.  This sums it up, too.  

Is someone tired of being left out of the photos?

Perhaps Santa brought the wrong kind of catnip.

I had a stroke of genius for displaying the Christmas cards.  Yeah, I haven't taken it down yet.

And finally, we had Christmas with Rob's parents:

Like Abby and Biffy, we three can't take a good picture together.

See, Christmas:  accomplished. We also got a new refrigerator (told ya.),  ran an infirmary at our house, and caught a plague that lasted well into the New Year.

Hopefully 2013 is smooth sailing from here!

Happy (belated) New Year Everybody.

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