September 30, 2013

Mad Skills

Our weekend has been the usual.  And I'm up typing this because I have reached a major roadblock in the cover letter I am writing for a job application that is DUE TOMORROW.  Sigh.  At some point I realized that I have not informed any of you of Em's new and exciting skilllz.

1.  EmeraldJoyceMans can now quickly and efficiently get the lid off of (almost) every container.  She has covered her hair and face in vaseline, as well as concealer (not at the same time). She filled all the tupperware containers and baby bottles in our house with baby oatmeal cereal.

2.  EmeraldJoyceMans is much taller than you think she is.  She can reach clear to the middle of the table, grab my coffee cup, and bring it to me.  Usually she doesn't spill any, but where there is hot coffee concerned, I am thinking I should be more careful?

3.  EmeraldJoyceMans can now open almost any door.  Which means she might go outside if we are not looking and have forgotten to lock the deadbolt.

4.  EmeraldJoyceMans can now take off her pants.  Lord help us.  She has peed in the floor more than once.  She peed on my foot this morning. But potty training is starting, so I guess I can look forward to more of the same in that area.  Or worse.

5.  EmeraldJoyceMans insists that someone scoop the litter box EVERY SINGLE MORNING.  As soon as we get up.  She yells at us until it is done. It truly is the highlight of my day.

6.  EmeraldJoyce Mans can say "Ice Ice Baby" and walk very well in my stilettos.  I am not sure which of these things I shall call my crowning achievement as a parent.

And other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Anyway, this weekend.  I did some grading, should have filled out some job application packets (YAY for another dual job hunt). Saturday I grocery shopped and cleaned the house (BORING) and then Rob and I had date night.  We tried to go to Gips Place (a real deal juke joint!), but got kind of lost in the hood on the way there.  So we went to courtyard and saw an all girl band play.  I was skeptical (sexist?) at first but they were AWESOME.  And they brought all their friends with them.  Might have been the entire middle-aged lesbian population of Birmingham, AL.  They were fun though, and I had vodka for the first time in a REAL long time.

Today was Sunday which meant I had to cook like 4 giant meals to get us through the week.  I work so many late nights that my Sundays are generally spent in the kitchen.  Today:

Chicken And Dumplings
Chicken Legs
Roasted Carrots
Chicken with Pasta and Veggies
Steamed veggies
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Sauteed Tomatoes with Basil
etc.  It was a pretty productive day.

But we got some good news today too.  Some friends of ours welcomed their baby boy yesterday! Nothing smells better than a new baby.  Nothing feels better than not being pregnant anymore.  Except all of your pants fitting.  I am almost there.

Speaking of pants, I'm sure I would be able to zip all of them if I would just do some ab work.  I tried to do a 7 day challenge, and did 1.66 days of it.  So, unless they are grading on a curve, I would say that I failed.  Perchance I will try again.

Today I took Em to a food truck festival at Railroad Park.  There was music, and NO WE DID NOT EAT FOOD FROM A TRUCK (see my post from June 2012 on food poisoning). But we did go to sonic and get mini-milkshakes.

And finally:  Harper.  She can roll over.  And over.  And over.  And is learning to sit up.  She smiles like a champ, and that little gummy grin is the cutest thing since Em's gummy grin. We are enjoying watching it all a second time with this baby...but without the panic that we are doing it wrong.

 Em at the drum circle at the International Street Fair.

Harper gets ready to try some solid food. (She did not like.)
Em gets EXCITED.

I got a sweet new jogging stroller!
You should see how legit I look when I go for runs.
Not as legit as Em's boots.

"Yes.  I can tell you how to get to Sesame Street."

Harper, so far, can only tell me how to get to this block.

Have a good week, everybody!

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