July 12, 2011


We have been SO BUSY lately, but I'm happy to report that things are about to slow down for a couple of months, just in time for the intense July and August heat.

Rob's parents came to visit this past weekend to celebrate his new "Dr." title! We had a good time and had some pretty amazing food too :) There were presents!  For Dr Rob and for Baby Emerald!

We also went to childbirthing class (before his parents arrived).  It was super helpful because of all the security that is in place around all these new babies being born.  Now we know where to tell our guests to go and the protocol for getting in to see us and our new addition, only 15 weeks away (with some luck)!

First, presents for Dr Rob:

Jeff sent a "Doctor" shirt; now we all three have one!
(Mine is a little snug...)

Rob and parental units.

Next, presents for Emerald!

The first of many gator outfits.
Team outfits may only be worn on gameday.
Otherwise I will have a kid completely outfitted in
blue, orange, maroon, white, black, and gold.
(Gators, Bulldogs, Saints)

I'm having a hard time believing that people come in this size...

Evidently this is one of Lori and Jeff's "top ten".

Gigi and Deets work on Emerald's puzzle.
I'm hoping all the pieces are still there after all this time!

We also went out for dinner at Firebird's and Rob took his parents on a hike at Oak Mountain while I went to work Monday.  I don't have the photos of the hike but anyway I heard they had a good time and almost melted in the process.

Evidently the Mans Family likes to dress in coordinating outfits.

A good visit which ended this morning with me flying out of the house (like my hair was on fire) for my glucose tolerance test and doc appt.  Waiting to hear that I passed with flying colors!  


  1. Congrats to Rob on getting his doctorate! I'm glad the child-birthing classes are going well. It's nice that everything has slowed down for you. Poor Emerald has to wear blue and orange when there is some perfectly good purple and gold you could dress her in. Maybe she'll overcome it, haha.

  2. Good to hear from you Greg! Long time no talk :)

    Yes I agree that life is all about overcoming adversity :/
