July 27, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester!

Dear 3rd Trimester:

Bring it. I'm ready to kick your ass.  I expect I will be ahead for about 4 - 5 more weeks, at which point pregnancy will begin it's major beatdown on me. But:  so far, so good.

Either way, I can't believe there are only 13 weeks left until my due date, and only 10 weeks until I have a full term person just chillin there inside of me. She'll be here before I know it and then I'll be someone's momma!

So if I had to take very honest stock of things right now, this is what I would say about how things are going (there is nothing gross on this list, don't worry):

Overall, I feel great!  

I'm anxiously awaiting the appearance of stretch marks.

People are curious if I'm miserable because it's "SO HOT".  But really, everybody is hot. I'm not special because I think it's hot in July. But I will admit that I dehydrate really easily since I'm building a pool for the kid to swim in.

I've gained 12 pounds, along with my doc's guidelines, but I have a really short torso so it looks like more than that I think.  I suspect I'll get huuuuuge over the next few months.

I'm lucky to be pregnant in summer because it's too hot to eat much besides salad and fruit.  But I do look forward to my ice cream outing once a week or so.  And I had some chocolate chip cookies the other night. 

I still teach yoga twice a week, and I don't think I've slacked off too much. Last night I totally kicked their asses.

I still go to the gym and do weights, core, and cardio.  Yes - I do ab work, because even though it seems a lost cause, a strong core will support the back.  And guess what?  My back doesn't bother me at all, yet.

My hips and back do make some crazy noises sometimes.  Like a box of Rice Krispies.

I'm a different size every day, and every morning brings a new game of "what fits?"

Even though it's somewhat terrifying what I will be left with, I actually don't mind getting bigger.  Ask me again in 4-5 weeks.  I'm sure even Rob will be terrified by then of how much a person can stretch.

My hands and feet are not swollen, YET.  But I do ice my feet in the evenings just in case they get any funny ideas.

I have trouble breathing pretty much all the time.  This is my chief complaint, but I know it's not going away, so I deal.

I'm lucky to have a fantastic (and uber-patient) babydaddy who's just as excited as me.  Good times.

And for those of you that are morbidly curious, this is just how fat I've gotten:

Me after yoga class-mostly belly.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you are doing well, for the most part, except for having trouble breathing. As long as I've known you, you've seemed pretty healthy so I figured you would probably have less problems than most pregnancies. Hard to believe it's been six months ... but then again, as far as me knowing, it hasn't been six months, haha. Anyway, have a good day!
