September 22, 2011

Please don't leave me alone with her-she might explode.

It has occurred to me that the morbidly curious of you have been deprived of your "Keri is getting fat" pictures (ahem, Beth).  Some people don't like them.  Some people do. So I'm posting them.

Most people don't like to post pictures of themselves past, say, 28 weeks pregnant.  I don't blame them. It can get downright gross looking.  But I have to say that while I feel like a turtle stuck on its back when I need to get out of bed, I feel good otherwise, have only gained about 18 pounds, my rings still fit, and my feet are doing good too. My cutest shoes are a little snug, I have to admit.

I've been OCD about getting in plenty of water and exercise, and I'm lucky I've felt good all the way through.  So even if things go to shit like RIGHT NOW and my stomach explodes with stretch marks while I sleep tonight (right now I have none and hoping to keep it that way), at least I'm almost done.

Here's to the home stretch!

35 weeks (yes I'm taking pictures in my office at work.  shut up.)

I should mention that I get lots of compliments on this blue tee shirt.
Which I totally borrowed from my sister-in-law.
She is the best for drastically decreasing the amount of clothes I've had to buy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are the first pictures where you actually look really pregnant. I guess that starts to happen at eight months (obviously I'm an expert on these things). Glad to hear you've been feeling good all the way through. I know you've said that in previous posts, just glad that you're still feeling good. I hope you have a great weekend, Keri!
