May 1, 2012

A rockin' baby party, even if I say so myself.

This past weekend was Amy's baby party!  She's expecting her 4th baby, Amalie June, so it really wasn't a shower.  Some people brought gifts anyway.

I have no idea how many people were there.  I know we went through a LOT OF FOOD.  I outsourced some of the shopping lists to save money.  That's what happens when you offer to help me with a party.  But I think people were happy to help.

So people were eating and eating.  I kept trying to get their attention so we could play some fun baby-themed games, but they KEPT ON EATING.  I guess it's okay if the centerpiece of a party is great food.

We got to the games eventually, and I don't know why I was in such a rush, because one of them was not so successful.  I blame it on the few guests that couldn't seem to follow directions.  And my tendency to micromanage parties and games.  When you consider all that, I'm surprised anyone had any fun at all.


It all started with TWENTY POUNDS OF CHICKEN.  I made Smitten Kitchen's Buttermilk Roasted Chicken for the occasion.  I used legs and thighs.  We had 4 pieces left over.

Nothing looks more appetizing than a pile of raw chicken. 

Em was very good and very patient, playing in her room while I was up to my elbows in chicken parts.
She made up for it the next morning.

Edie came over and spent the afternoon baking cupcakes and cakes.  
She also brought some beautifully decorated cookies!
Have you ever seen Edie look so serious??

The decorations turned out super cute.  
Even though I mostly decorated with Em's diapers and clothing.

Joy made this adorable wreath.  Out of stuff she got...and Em's diapers!
Seventh generation diapers are an oatmeal color with minimal decorations, so they make great decor.
Plus, I have a couple cases delivered to my house from Amazon every month, so I always have a million diapers.

On the menu:  Buttermilk roast chicken, a gigantic salad with choice of fruity or italian toppings, homemade bread, cupcakes, cookies, cake, fruit salad, strawberry infused water, lemony water, sweet tea, mean tea, and a baby I made out of a cantaloupe.
Sounds creepy, looks cute.
God love Joy and her addiction to Pinterest.

 Edie's cookies and cupcakes on the gift table.

Party time!  The guests started arriving at 5:30 p.m.  The party was to start at 6.  
Those that arrived early were put promptly to work.  
That's what you get for coming to one of my parties early!

Amy with Steven's mom and grandma. 
Em is not feeling this crowd.  Also, she might be eating a diaper.

The food line!  I used ALL MY FANCY CRYSTAL GLASSES!
Technically, the guests did.  But I allowed them to, and didn't micromanage their behavior with
the fancy stemware.  Bonus points to me.
Nothing got broken.  Bonus points to guests.

Cassie with cute little Henry Page.

Jenni, Rosemary, and Jada

Joy and Edielicious.

Amy explains the world.  You must be polite and listen when a pregnant lady is explaining the world.
Unless you are Cassie, evidently.
Also, might I note that Edie seems to have forgotten she is holding a baby?

Chijioke and Kosi.
The blonde is Kristin, but she looks like Katherine Heigl.

More presents!

Em had a lot more fun playing outside with the crazy man than she did inside with the throng of people.  

A fun party for our beautiful momma-to-be!
(Gawd, iPhone photos are the worst.)

1 comment:

  1. Cantaloupe baby was not nearly as scary-looking as I had thought it would be. If I get invited to a party you are throwing, I'll be sure not to offer to help and show up late.
