June 2, 2012

Mans Family Suffocation

Rob and I took a week off (the week before Memorial Day) for vacation.  We didn't go anywhere.  It was glorious.  There was no baby stuff to pack and unpack and repack.  No diapers and wipes and baby food jars and bottles and bottle brushes and tiny bottle parts and formula and cereal and baby medicine to remember. No millions of bags to cram into the trunk of the car.  (Not to mention my shoes! ) Traveling for us is ridiculous, and we usually only do it when we are going to see family.  And then both of us end up overtired and in a bad mood when we get home. It was like that before Emerald was born, and now we just prefer to stay at home and do stuff locally.  

So then we tried to plan a family vacation and became so stressed by the idea that we decided to take a week off and do nothing.  With the two weekends and the Memorial Day Holiday, we had a total of TEN DAYS OFF.  It was great.  It would have been better if the whole fam damily hadn't come down with a horrible sinus infection.  We couldn't breathe at all.  Em is still getting better, because her illness was closely followed by an ear infection. No one had a fever, but we were still pretty miserable. Anyway.  On to happier things--poop.

The first day of vacation, Saturday, Emerald Joyce Mans woke up and was covered in poop.  It was contained inside her onesie, but it was so bad.  So. Bad.  I called Rob out of bed over the baby monitor and we managed to get her undressed without getting shit on her face and in her hair.  Bonus points to us. We threw the onesie in the trash can and I put her promptly in the tub. I was washing her off and she looked at me with the sweetest look on her face and said (wait for it)..."Amama.  Mama".  Thanks Emerald.  You waited til just the right moment to completely melt my heart.  Anyway, she says it all the time now, but I don't think she quite understands the association of the word with me quite yet.  She is getting the hang of it though.  She will sometimes say "Mama" when I walk into the room and then she'll reach for me.  She also says "Dada", but it's more of a "Dadadadadada".  

During our time off, Rob went fishing twice, and I did some shopping.  I went on my first treasure hunting trip to Goodwill and found out that you can buy a piano for $50.09, and you can also purchase golf clubs for $1 each.  And I also learned that if you spend enough time in Goodwill, you leave feeling like you're covered in mold.  It was fun though, and I found some good stuff for cheap. We also took Emerald on her first zoo trip!  We were going to take her to the lake on a boat ride, but everyone got sick so we just laid around instead.  Plenty of time this summer for boat rides.  Rob and I also went out for lunch at Cheesecake Factory and then to see The Avengers in 3D, which was amazing. We want to see every movie in 3D from now on (of course we do)!

We haven't taken a ton of pictures lately, but here are some recent ones.

Starting vacay off right--Em is off to a baseball game with Dad.
Somehow she still looks cute in this ridiculous getup.

Playing on the floor..."Mooooommmmm!  Look at this cool toy I found!"

 Em's first trip to the zoo!  You will see in subsequent pictures that she was. not. loving. 
the presence of the camera on this day.

These guys look thrilled.

By the giraffes...this is where the photo ops really get pointless.

Who taught her the duck face is what I want to know.

"hm, socks."

 Having fun watching the giraffes, when she finally noticed them.

After giving up on a decent picture of Rob and Em:
(Even the giraffe in the background got in on the fun)
Em really just wanted to play with her hat.

It was rhino feeding time, she loved it.

This gorilla had better things to do than entertain us.

Plumb tuckered out.  She took a 3 hour nap!

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