June 26, 2012

The Queen of TP

Spend time looking for the perfect toys for your baby.  Really, I dare you.  The ones that are not made of plastic from China.  The ones that are wooden, or don't make noise, or make delightful noises, promote development, and are painted with lead-free paint. 

She will prefer a pack of toilet paper, an empty ginger ale bottle, and a stick.  

But first I will update you on Father's Day.  We had to have it a week late, because as I mentioned in my previous post, we had to go to a conference on Father's Day.  Rob got a free drink on the plane, so I guess that was some consolation.  We took a picture of it with his iPod, but his iPod got lost on the trip, hereby making that trip (with the illnesses and everything) the BEST TRIP EVER.  

Anyway.  At daycare, Em "made" Rob this card (which is only sort of in the picture).  I thought it was great that the teachers thought to make it blue and orange for him.  A picture of them looking happy would be nice, but these pics of them looking EXACTLY LIKE EACH OTHER are way better.

For "Belated Father's Day", I made Rob this fancy-ish French Toast.  
Yes, Tommy, I did take this idea from that breakfast you made for us all those years ago.
Yes, Tommy, I still remember it as the only French Toast I have ever liked.

Before our big trip, we (read: Keri) had to pack up Emerald's stuff for her visit with Joy and Charlie.  BTW, how great was that guest post!?  Anyway, Em wanted to help with her own addition to the collection.

Dad's sock!  I will bring Dad's sock!

Just checking it's in there.

Em spent some time outside with Dad and Slick.

Hey Slick, check out what I've got.  It tastes pretty good! 

Now I'll have some!
(Look at Slick with his paw on her leg! Adorbs.)

Practicing for her country music album cover, gotta perfect that sultry "I don't care" face.

When we got home from our trip, there was SO. MUCH. LAUNDRY.  SO MUCH.  So naturally I piled it all in Em's room and shut the door.  I got around to folding it on Saturday, but Rob was gone so I had a little helper.

Another favorite toy:  receipts.
Guess I wouldn't have gotten reimbursed for that trip to Ann Taylor Loft anyway.

 And another favorite toy, this toilet paper I bought.  I'm considering sending these pictures to Quilted Northern to see if they'll make her a spokes-baby, haha! Also I have to say that I now know why every plastic bag in the world says "THIS IS NOT A TOY" on it.  Because there is nothing in the world a baby loves more than a crinkly plastic bag.  Except maybe dog food.

Why is TP the perfect toy?
Perfect for pulling up.  

Light enough to move around.

A good listener.

A friend when you need it.


In other news, her ears are still raging with infection, going on two months now.  We are getting evaluated for tubes on Thursday.

That is all.  Turns out I fail again at making it to the other side of the camera.  But you all know what I look like.  You also know that Em is much cuter :)


  1. I HATE when old people start spouting off about, "Back in my day, things were better, blah, blah, blah" and putting down younger generations and all that BS. However, I'm about to break that rule and say that I do think it was a little better when kids were just told to go outside and have fun where kids would have to use their imagination more. I think younger kids are that way until it is "expensive toy-ed" and "video gam-ed" out of them. That's why I think young children are just as willing to play with the box as they are with a toy.

    As a side note, I also think that's why older people don't really like to read books anymore. Their will to learn is sapped out of them during their "sit down and shut up" years at school.

    Anyway, I guess you're now tired of Greg philosophy now, haha. I hope you are having a good week (despite the searing heat) and I am enjoying reading your posts.

  2. I am not good at proofreading comments before hitting "Publish" ... but that means you get two "now"s for the price of one in that sentence. It's your lucky day!

  3. I do not find slick's paw on her leg charming. I find it sinister. the look in his eyes clearly says "this is mine. when you turn around I will eat it. I am hungry, and it looks juicy. I know you like it and want to keep it around, but fuck you". Hurts to hear, but slick is a real asshole. I'd probably keep him away from the baby.

    On a slightly related note, Sylvie has the same reaction to crinkly plastic. There is nothing she loves more.

  4. Greg, I completely agree. I look for the "perfect toys" only for my own sanity. I don't like the ones that make too much racket and I do like for her to use her imagination...which is why she sometimes is allowed to play with power cords and plastic bags :)

    Abby: Im trying to be nice to Slick right now because he lost his voice and can't meow. I have to admit I prefer him this way, but it's been a week and I'm starting to worry because now he is coughing like an emphysema patient too :/
    But he is probably just tricking me so I will trust him. Then he will eat Emerald.
