June 9, 2012

Wow. Just, wow.

So here I am again, thinking I should have updated quite a bit ago.

Here's what's up with us.

1.  Emerald has an ear infection.  Like, can't lie flat, has to sleep in her swing and have numbing drops put in her ears for pain.  We are on our third antibiotic and hoping it works.  On our THIRD visit to the pediatrician, we were FINALLY prescribed some ear drops for her pain.  I'm quite ticked off that it took this long, and that I had to ask for them.  I feel like I'm a pretty smart person, but how am I supposed to know what to ask for?  That's why I have a doctor.  Anyway, if her infection is still going strong on Friday, her last day of this antibiotic, I will have to stay home from the conference Rob and I are supposed to attend starting next Sunday.  No way I can fly with a baby that has an ear infection (purest form of hell).  We are supposed to leave her with Joy and Charlie, but I'm not leaving them with my sick baby to contend with, so we will see how it all plays out.

2.  I got food poisoning this week.  See, I have personal rule that I have followed my whole life.  It goes like this:  NEVER EAT FOOD FROM A TRUCK.  But I was talked into it this week because evidently this truck was special.  And they use all natural, organic, local ingredients, etc.  And then I got food poisoning.  Damn hippies.  They don't even have diet coke at this truck, which should have been my first clue. I was sick for about two days, and still don't feel completely right. On the upside, I have probably reached my goal weight.  

I won't be posting publicly the location where I got the food poisoning, or the person that talked me into breaking my "no truck food" rule. But you are welcome to ask me if you like, for public health reasons.

3.  Em is pulling up now!!  She feels pretty okay during the day and loves to play with her toys and find all the hazardous things in the house, as I have mentioned before.  Guess I need to move the liquor bottles from her reach, as she is eyeballing our bottle of Grey Goose.

4.  Here are some pictures.

Loving the porch swing.  I made it to the other side of the camera!  
But I am gross and sweaty after a run, so I don't know how great that actually is.

Out for lunch last Saturday with Dongfeng, Em's first time in a restaurant high chair.
"Little Miss Grabby Hands" did great.

More Duck Face.

Grass cures ear infections, right? 
Probably not THIS kind of grass...
(LOVE this dress Memere had made for her!)

Napping with the bunny.

Pulling up!
What a big kid! 
One of the daycare teachers said Em pulled down her pants last week :)

 Dad and Em make music while I cook dinner.
Now I love this stock pot for more than one reason.


  1. "Now I love this stock pot for more than one reason."--Keeps Robert out of your hair while you cook? (also I feel sort of bad because I think I started this running joke, but opportunities keep presenting themselves...)

    I eat food from trucks all the time! Probably three of my four favorite places to get tacos in PVD are trucks. Well, one is technically a winebago. It is labeled with a sheet of paper that says TACO, placed in a sheet protector and taped to the side. It's amazing. I've never been sick, but there are lots of rules the food trucks have to follow to get licensed here. Probably not the case in bham...

  2. It keeps Robert from chewing :)

    Yeah the food trucks there might be better? I mean, this was probably just my incredibly bad luck.

  3. And yessirree, you did start that running joke.

  4. LSU just lost and their season is over so I'm going to try to get through this comment without cursing.

    1. That sucks that Em got an ear infection. I hope she gets better soon. It sucks that the doctor took so much time figuring out what the best medicine was. I mostly avoid doctors because I am not usually impressed with their diagnosis the few times I do visit one (and because I'm usually low on $$$$$ ... don't tell your single friends, though).

    2. I've never eaten anything off a truck but I wouldn't be opposed to it. Also, the whole "natural" thing never phases me. Everything is natural. Dog poop is natural but I wouldn't want to eat it. Also, I would guess that Diet Coke would not be on some organic foods truck, haha. I've never liked Diet Coke, though. To me, it tastes like someone took regular coke and mixed it with toothpaste.

    3. That's awesome that she's pulling up! I guess she'll be driving in a few weeks!

    4. Thanks for the pictures!
