November 15, 2012

A moment with the Mans Family

Let me just preface this with the following:

No one should ask me what I want for Christmas or my birthday.  I won't be able to think of anything. You  might get lucky and I'll list some books or whatever, but in general I'm terrible at this game. I'm surely thankful that people think enough of me to get me a Christmas gift, but I love shopping for others so much that I use all my brainpower on that every year.  Sounds sappy, but it's true!  I love giving presents.

Although, now the answer to "What's on your Christmas/Birthday/Groundhog Day List?" is pretty much always going to be, "free babysitting".  But since our family lives far away, that doesn't count for anyone who isn't my coworker, good friend, or neighbor, so everyone else gets nada when they ask what I want for Christmas.  I don't really need any more stuff, and since I am a "grownup" now (using THAT term loosely...) I just go out and get stuff that I really want. 

For me, free babysitting and a gift card to a restaurant translates into an evening that will not end with marinara in my hair or on my favorite shirt. NOW THAT'S A GOOD NIGHT.

Anyway, here's an actual conversation between Rob and I last night (he has been asking about my Christmas list, but I don't know why because he is awesome at shopping for me when I give him no clues):

Me:  You know, today I thought of something I wanted for Christmas this year.  But then I forgot what it was.

Rob:  Was it a notepad?

Me:  What?

1 comment:

  1. I don't buy anybody anything for Christmas. I'm a jerk, haha.
