November 1, 2012

Sucker Punched Halloween.

Yesterday was Em's first Halloween!  This Halloween was way better for me this year, too, because I wasn't in labor.  Next year, I plan to be able to say, "This Halloween was GREAT because I wasn't pregnant this time!!!". Overall, I call this a win.

Anyway, we went to Aimee's house in Alabaster because she has a great neighborhood where everyone decorates and there are lots of kids to trick or treat.  She had her nieces, nephews, siblings, parents, and some other friends there.  We filled up on delicious chili and cupcakes, and I made Paula Deen Dreamy Hot Chocolate ("clock-o-lett", as Tye calls it) for the kids when they came back in.  The weather was great, so no one froze to death, and it didn't rain.

I've already mentioned that Joy made Em's costume this year, a garden gnome!! But the hat didn't exactly work out.  No one who has ever met me or my daughter should be surprised by this.

It's hard to take a picture of an excited toddler (she will be a toddler tomorrow, at 1 year!), but we did our best.  We took her to a few houses, and honestly she was so excited to get a tootsie roll pop that we probably could have stopped after the first house.  She was completely enamored by the fact that someone gave her candy for her bucket.  It's amazing how fast the little ones learn to be excited about candy.  Who doesn't love candy?

The beginning of trying to take a decent photo.

Before Trick or Treat-just excited to play under the furniture in a new place.

 Aimee's house was our first-ever Trick or Treat house!
Em's mind is TOTALLY BLOWN right now.

Ohmygod they put candy in??!?!?

This is AWESOME!!!

The novelty didn't wear off as we went to other places.
Watch out for that tootsie roll sucker making its appearance soon...

A box of milk duds makes a great chew toy.

Try as we might, we couldn't pry this sucker out of her hands for the rest of the night.  
She chewed through the paper!

Part of the decor.

First family Halloween. Sucker all over someone's face, hands, and clothes!

Not bad first trip to Trick or Treat, since she can't eat most kinds of candy yet anyways.
First Halloween Bucket!!

We are diligently preparing for the onslaught of family and friends coming to celebrate Em's first birthday this weekend.  Can't believe she is a whole year old as of tomorrow.  What a year.

Happy Day of the Dead Everyone!!!

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