September 16, 2010

twenty eight and 11/12 years old

i will be 29 in exactly one month.  29!  this means i'm going to enter the last year of my twenties.  i mean, actually, i'm going to enter my 30th year, if you wanna be technical. 

there is going to be a party.  a theme party!!

i find it very strange, because i feel so young.  i mean, i'm married and have a job.  but there are plenty of immature married people out there, so this alone does not make me a grown up. but i don't feel ready to be 29.  i still need advice all the time, mostly from my mom and dad! there's something about it that's just weird to me--have i really crossed the great divide into "grownup" world?

those of you that are older than i am, i realize, will say, "wah wah wah".  but let me be clear on one thing: this post is not about getting older.  each year, often around new year's or my birthday, i think about the past year and what i have done.  now that i'm close to entering a new decade, i'm thinking back about how much i have changed in the past 10 years.  how much about my life has changed.  does every decade bring about this many changes, or is the 10 years from 19 to 29 the most dramatic?  

at 19, i was a sophomore in college.  i was roommates with my bestie kristin, and our weekends were filled with house parties and strip twister.  yes, strip twister.  as i've gotten older, i have found that no one wants to play strip twister anymore.  whats the fugging problem, people?  so that's one big change.  no strip twister. my mother is going to die when she reads this.

i was dating someone completely wrong for me.  i believe this is something EVERYONE must do.  there should be no regrets, but it really makes you appreciate the right one when he/she comes along.

then came 21, when i got my bellybutton pierced.  that lasted until i was 27, when it fell out and i was too lazy to put it back in.  i started teaching yoga, which i still do! at 22 i graduated college, moved to birmingham, and started graduate school.  until age 25 or so, i was convinced that graduate school was the single worst decision i had made in my entire life.  at 24 i met the man i was to marry. wow. sometime in this time frame i started running 1/2 marathons.

at 26 i got engaged.  2nd happiest day ever.  at 27 i got married.  first happiest day ever.  at 28 i became a doctor and landed a great job doing exactly what i want to do, thus making graduate school somewhat worth the suffering.  

what will the next decade bring?  hopefully a full marathon.  rob will be a doctor soon, and hopefully will find a job doing exactly what he wants to do.  we plan to leave birmingham and settle somewhere we truly want to be.  we'll probably have children--i mean if we are going to have them, i guess it should happen in the next 10 years or so.  

i'm almost 29.  god help me when i turn 30.


  1. Keri I am so happy for you! You have accomplished a lot in the past ten years! I know you and Rob will accomplish even more together:-)Gabe and I want to get out of B'ham too... where are you guys thinking?

  2. hey lady! rob is obsessed with moving to the charleston area. there are lots of campuses and opportunities for us there, so we are hopeful :)
