April 26, 2011

Jesus is coming. Quick! Hide the Eggs!

I'm always amused during the Christian holidays (which I love) just how many pagan traditions have worked their way in.  Easter bunny, Easter eggs, Christmas trees, etc.  I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and it definitely makes things more fun for the kids-it's just amusing.  This past weekend, Steven and Amy (my neighbors, friends, and the planters of Ardent Church here in Birmingham) hosted a community Easter Egg hunt at the school about a block from our house.  I like this group because they really have a focus on getting groups in the community to come together, and they actuall do things instead of just talking about doing things.  So far they have also done two community cookouts with activities for kids.

Anyway, I helped out a little bit with the Easter egg hunt, which included the stuffing of 2000 plastic eggs with starbursts and tootsie rolls, and spreading them around the schoolyard on Saturday afternoon.  There was a good turnout, and kids love love love an Easter Egg hunt.  Photos!

Just one of the several boxes of eggs.

 There was no point to trying to hide this many.

Amy and Karis make a lawn of eggs.  
Karis helped by riding on Amy's back.
I helped by spreading eggs around with my feet :P



The kids had a blast. 

I also have animal pictures.  Mostly for Abby, because she misses my fat and psychopathic cats, Slick and Homie, respectively.

Mr. Homie wants you to know that he remembers you!  
But you might now be 12th on the favorite persons list.

 Slick wants to remind you that he does not care.

This picture is not for Abby, I should clarify, because that would be weird.  Rob IS wearing pants in this picture, but gosh, this is quite the candidate for Awkward Family Photos: Pet Edition. Rob might very well murder me for posting this. (Abby, you can have Mr. Homie and my piano.)
I was just impressed that everyone was looking my direction, and that Rob was awake before 11 a.m.

the picture was  of rob looking naked while holding bells and homie.  
he was not naked.
but it has been removed.

Only three more days til my family comes to visit!  Mom, godmother, sister, and nephew!


  1. yay for animal pictures!
    Also I obviously don't think rob is a serial killer, he's quite a friendly guy. But if I did not know him, and that picture came up on the news with the headline "Did this man dismember all the children in his neighborhood" my thought would be "yeah, that seems possible"

  2. I think the headline would be:

    Did this man dismember all the children in his neighborhood and feed them to his animals?

    i miss you friend!

  3. Keri, you have post that pic to awkward family photos. It's a classic.
