April 11, 2011

Team Pink/Team Blue

Today Rob and I went for a 12-week ultrasound!  It was an extra visit to look for any markers of Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, and Spina Bifida-they say everything looks good and will check my bloodwork.  Honestly, there's no reason to think I have risk for these things, but insurance pays for the test AND you get to take an extra look at the mini muffin, which is about the size of a plum right now.

I couldn't believe how much the kid was moving around already!  It's surreal to see it flipping and kicking when you can't feel any of it at all.  He/She hated the ultrasound thing and kept turning up to kick and punch it every time the pressed on my stomach-hilarious. We got to see both hands, complete each with five fingers and some VERY long legs.  Rob took that pic to lab before I could scan it, but it certainly can't be my child with legs like that!

While the ultrasound tech and doctor had me on the table, he asked if we were going to find out the sex of the baby (of course!), and says while we shouldn't buy anything pink just yet, it looks like our muffin is shaping up to be a baby girl!  We will know for sure in a few weeks.  He showed me all the markers on the huge flat screen TV and said this is just what girls look like at this stage.  We will see if he's right! For right now we will remain on Team Green just in case!  I like green the best anyway.

And while I have your attention, I scanned some of the ultrasound pics to share with the internets! 

A couple of profile shots, too early to tell who it will look like, lol :)

I can has alien?  The face-forward shot is a little creepy.

So all in all, a lovely start to the week!


  1. Glad to hear everything is going well with your baby, Keri.

  2. after further review of the face forward picture, I have concerns that Kerob may be a demon. I will return to calling Kerob "it" until we are sure.

  3. It is a possibility that Kerob is either a demon or a professional wrester.
