June 8, 2011


Mini Muffin Emerald is 50% done baking!  I hope the last half is as easy as the first half has been.  I'm under no illusions and know that I'm extremely lucky.  I haven't puked once (really!), and am well within the weight gain guidelines, which hopefully means I'm doing something right.  I'm still kicking the asses of all my yoga students twice a week and making it to the gym a few times each week too, although I am no longer running.  I expect things to get harder, because I'll start getting bigger faster and the weather is only going to get hotter.

In other news, Rob's dissertation is due two weeks from today.  

I'll just let you sit back and think about what things are like at our house with a 5-month pregnant lady and a man about to birth a dissertation.  We can both be pretty terrible at times, but it's understandable and temporary :)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Best half baked muffin ever! Cant wait to see you soon!

  2. Glad you have a stress-free house as the weather starts to get warm.

  3. haha, yeah right.
    it's actually not too bad, we just know when to go our separate ways for a while.

  4. You keep yourself pretty healthy so maybe it shouldn't be too shocking that you're not getting sick. I hope things stay that way as long as possible. Good luck to Rob with his dissertation.
