August 26, 2011

A clean baby, part I

My first baby shower was last weekend, hosted by my family in south Mississippi.  We had a great time, and got lots of good stuff for our little Emerald to enjoy/crap and vomit on.

I have been waiting patiently on pictures, since someone came to take photos for us, and finally there are a very few proofs for me to share with you!  More to come of us with our family members and whatnot, but this is a good start.

I'm in "gift-opening mode" which is a good thing because my job is hosting a shower today, and my friends are hosting one tomorrow.  Em and I are lucky girls indeed!

Rikki made the diaper cake-so cute!

I'm dressed like it's a bachelorette party.  But I especially liked the tiara!

Em's first piggy bank.

So, Bambi looks a little weird from this angle.
But I swear to you this was an adorable cake and SO delicious!

This is me destroying things.

Me and the babydaddy.  
This is the only shower he had to attend-
but it was co-ed with drinking.  
So he was alright.

 Not the most thrilled about his "boutonnière".

I was sure my sister would stab me to get back at me 
for all those years of torture.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. You look so serious examining the diaper cake :)

  2. haha, yeah that's because i totally knocked the top off of it and had to put it back on! and my sister was fussing about it of course.
