August 23, 2011

"Maybe she needs some advice."

Evidently I need advice.  Or at the very least I need observation.  From everyone, whether I know them or not.  At this point I have to say that the vast majority of people have been very nice with their smiles and their compliments.  So I try to remember that.

But there is a building services lady that works in my building (she's gotta be pushing 300 pounds), who is always in the lobby when I come into work.  EVERY DAY she asks me when my baby is due, that I am really getting huge, etc.  And now I go in the back door and take the freight elevator.  Which smells like rodents. 

But really the people I can't stomach are the ones in the gym.  I swear I get judged every dang time I go in there! The undergrads (especially) stare at me, which is uncomfortable enough.  Then I get advice.  I do understand that they mean well.  But still!

"Maybe you shouldn't work your core right now" 
(This advice usually prompts a long lesson from me about core muscles, especially obliques, and what they do.)

"You are going to shake your baby around and give it brain damage" (OH DEAR GOD ANYTHING BUT THAT)

"Aren't you only supposed to be swimming?" (Because the baby is floating, I should too.)

"This is not the place for someone who doesn't have good balance"  (As a yoga instructor, I would be willing to bet my balance is better than theirs.)

I can only imagine what it would be if I were still running.

As a side note, I was attacked by two terrible dogs while walking Bells last night. She got nipped at but wasn't hurt.  I lost an earring and my shirt was ripped!  It was terrifying and I was pinned on a stranger's porch before running home with my dog in my arms.  And the owner was just like "Oh, gosh I am so tired and I just got home and these dogs got out." 

Did you notice how that sentence didn't include an "I'm sorry pregnant lady with tiny pooch that my dogs are assholes." Because I definitely noticed. Hrmph.  

1 comment:

  1. That sounds pretty scary. I hope you didn't get hurt. I'm sorry that happened to you.

    When I first started trying to walk nearly every day, I'd see dogs out and try to avoid them but hated when they were out. Now I just walk on campus at Southern Miss. Either the people are totally negligent or somehow think their little puppy is going to love everyone and wouldn't hurt a fly. Either way, it's asinine.
