December 23, 2011

Thanks to Abby...

...I have an adorable reindeer on my hands!

She sent us a package including this cute baby outfit and some yummy treats that are sure to get me off my track to health and fitness, considering I ate most of them as soon as the package arrived.

Of course I've been singing the Jack Johnson version of "Rudolph" to her all morning, since it sends  a message about bullying.  Can't start too soon I guess.  Plus, that version is cooler.  I'm not positive that Emerald likes my singing. After all those years of vocal coaching!  But she does like "The Pie Song" (the one from the movie "Waitress") and "Rudolph".


Thanks Abby-we miss you!


  1. yay! She's a super cute little reindeer! Glad you liked it all!

    As far as singing goes, there is no sound my cats hate more than me singing. Sylvie, who likes to sit on the ledge of the tub outside the shower curtain because she is a creeper and a moron, sometimes hisses when I sing in the shower.

  2. Oh geez.

    I had a cat once that would wail while I sung. I don't know if she hated it and it made her cry or if she was trying to sing along. Considering the cat, I'd say the former.

  3. I mean, I guess *if* I was the type of person to get tipsy on a Friday night and sing opera-type songs about mine and other people's cats, those cats probably wouldn't like it much.

  4. yes, but I believe that (hypothetically), if that occurred, the cats in question were indoors and unaware they were being immortalized in song?
