April 5, 2012

A gaggle of milestones

Yesterday I picked Emerald up at Daycare to find out that she has been promoted to the next class!  Already!  I guess I didn't realize that she is the oldest in her class (definitely not the biggest...) and has hit all the required milestones for moving up!  I suppose I should update all of you and say that she did finally master the art of rolling to her belly to her back.  So now I no longer have to go rescue her from a fit of rage when she gets stuck on her stomach.

I celebrated Em's big promotion by taking her right home and giving her some real food!  Off a spoon!  It was baby apple/banana oatmeal cereal mixed with some pears for added flavor.  She did a great job, but was an epic mess at the end of the process.

Plus, she is hilarious and tries to chew the spoon.

Some photos!  Plus a video.  I sure am super annoying on camera though, so you might just prefer to watch it on mute. I'm no stranger to Emerald being the star of the show :)

She especially loves it all over her face.

Give me that spoon, I'll just do it myself!

I have no idea why her hair is pushed over like that.
Also, she is still distracted by the camera, I see.

This is okay, I guess.
I suppose it goes without saying that everyone needed a bath after this little adventure.

And now a video!  I realize this video is not the best camera work in the world. Or even the best camera work on my street.  But you try feeding a five-month old with your dominant hand while manning a video camera in the other.  Really.  Come over and try it.


  1. Hey Keri. Thanks for the video! I'm guessing feeding a five-month old is not easy even with both hands. Well, I hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Easter.

    P.S. I'm watching the LSU/Florida baseball game now. Your husband would probably be happy to know that LSU is currently losing (but LSU won the first game of the series ... Woohoo!)

  2. She must be an over-achiever like her Mom and Dad!
