April 18, 2012

When it rains, it floods.

I'll start with the weekend, then tell you about the disaster(s).

We went down to Picayune to visit my parents!  We had a great time (Bells went with us, and it was the awesomest time of her life!) and got to see my sister, nephew, godmother, Dorothy, and Rich & Eileen!  We failed a little at taking pictures of people looking decent (or even clothed, in some instances), because we were having such a good time visiting and going to the street fair (the biggest deal in Picayune!) and having chicken on a stick.  Chicken on a stick--is just what it sounds like. The best thing ever. Until 1 hour later, when you feel like you swallowed a whole watermelon full of grease.


Tye is like me.  He goes until he crashes.

Em sitting on Tye's lap.  "This baby sure is heavy!" 

Em investigates what the Easter Bunny brought to Memere and TPa's house.
That reddish hair! Never thought I'd be a mom to a ginger baby.

In reality, I investigate what the Easter Bunny brought.  
Em was enamored with Tye the whole time.
She got some great outfits!

Fun in the sun at the street fair!  We lasted about one hour before everyone was melty.

Back at home, cozy with Uncle Colby.
He sure knows his way around a baby.

Best toy in the world, a water bottle.  Go figure.

The big kid with the little kids.

A sweet picture of Em with Memere and TPa.  
They will kill me for posting this one, so hope you've enjoyed reading my blog up to now.
Lee was wearing pants, just so you know.

When we got home, look what we found! Blackberries growing in our yard! Volunteer blackberries!  I was able to bring in a giant harvest of 3/4 cup.  We made a tiny compote and put it on vanilla ice cream.  Looking forward to more. Maybe by the end of summer, if we freeze them religiously, we can make a cobbler.  If we also add peaches.

Yesterday was quite possibly the worst day ever.  First, we submitted our taxes.  So that was pretty great.  We owed MUCH less than the 2500 we paid last year, but only because I had a kid in 2011.  Guess that was a good move for more than one reason.  

Second,  it has been raining for the past few days.  I got in my car to go to the gym, and every time I made a turn, I heard this waterfall sound.  Not like a trickle waterfall on a white noise machine that makes you feel nice.  Nope.  A waterfall like possibly your car is filling with water.  It was. So I'm working on getting that fixed right now, and have an appointment for a "water test" on Monday.  I can save them the time and say, "Hey, guess whose car is going to super-fail the water test?"

Also, while distracted by the fact that my car was flooding, I backed into a parked Mercedes (yes I did!).  Just bumped it, but left a note anyway.  And really I was motivated by an extreme fear of being arrested, not by the goal of being a good person. I mean, there was ZERO damage to my car (not even a smudge in the paint), and damage to theirs that looks way too bad to have been done by me, so I think it was there before. Waiting to hear back, but hoping no one calls. I'm sure that if they do, I will end up paying for a replacement Mercedes bumper, or at least my collision deductible which is 500 bucks. Rob didn't yell at me, but probably only because it is almost our anniversary.

And while we are talking about things that suck, Monday had a fail, too.  Rob dropped Em off at daycare, and I was going to pick her up.  He dropped her off in his car, took her out of her seat, and carried her into the daycare.  I went to the daycare in my car.  Done the math yet?  I got outside with my baby, and had no carseat.  Do you have any idea how tempting it is to drive with a baby in your lap under those circumstances?  Especially when it is only 1.5 miles? 
But I called Rob, who had to ride his bike home, get his car, and meet me at the daycare, where we just switched cars since he had somewhere else to go.  Meanwhile, I sat outside with my baby for about 30 minutes, and everyone looked at me like I was homeless.  Anyway, I was not really motivated by being legal with the car seat and all, but I did figure that if I drove with a baby in my lap, it would be the day I would get rear-ended. And then if it didn't kill my baby, I'm sure I would be getting arrested (noticing a theme?) and my baby would be taken away from me. 

And finally, we are home, hoping to get our lives under control.  The next person that suggests I go on a weekend trip is getting punched in the face.  FYI.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Keri. I'm sorry you had the worst day ever. I'm sure if you had me do your taxes for you, it would not have been the worst day ever ... maybe. I hope you have a great weekend!
