April 20, 2012

"What are you doing?" "Just SITTIN around!"

Guess who can sit up with (little to no) help!

You got it. It's Robert. And we've almost got his little chewing problem under control too.

I kid.

It's Emerald!  She still needs a little help because once she realizes she is sitting up....well, she gets super excited and falls over.  These pictures were taken yesterday, the first time she sat up!  She is already stronger today. I know because the number of faceplants has decreased between yesterday and today. 

Keeping my foot behind her...just in case.
Look how proud (or surprised?) she looks!

"Crap I have these rings tangled around my feet!"

She is also trying her best to get (and stay) up on all fours. And will be crawling before I know what happened! Guess it's time to baby proof.  Or at least get the cords for the blinds out of reach. I won't be one of those to put bumpers on the coffee table.  I'm sure my approach to minor accidents will be much like my parents' approach--"Guess she won't do that no more..."

These pictures look shockingly like my yoga class.
The yoga class I used to have before my schedule turned to mush.
Check out the concentration on her face.

"You can do ANYTHING for two more seconds!"


  1. oh my goodness she does little tiny push-ups! Love it!

  2. haha she tries her best, like the rest of us.

  3. I really want to hug her. Push ups are hard for me too! (although for different reasons...she just hasn't developed any upper body strength yet! I have short arms and giant boobs messing with my center of balance.)
    Um, maybe she could stay with me for a little while like a month you could mail her so I could cuddle with her because she is so cute?

  4. haha you would send her back once you saw all the laundry and bottles you have to wash!

    but she is pretty snuggly :)
