November 23, 2010

To the Grinches

I'm ready for Christmas music NOW.
My favorite Christmas song is by Lady Gaga & Space Cowboy.  Stop judging.

I love Christmas preparation. I'm about 95% done shopping, and have almost finished making our cards to send out.  I've made a plan for coordinated wrapping, judge me if you want-I know all of this will fly out the window as soon as I have kids. Wrapping gifts is my favorite activity ever, followed closely by making cards, baking "once-a-year" goodies, planning said goodies, and sitting by the Christmas tree at night with no lights turned on except the ones on the tree. 

Christmas Day is never as fun to me as Christmas prep, therefore I milk Christmas prep for all it's worth.  I love picking out gifts for people, wrapping them and thinking it's just a perfect gift.  I like to imagine what their reaction will be when they open it. Sometimes I'm disappointed, but usually not.  I'm good at shopping.

I am thankful, don't get me wrong, for all the blessings in my life.  A healthy body and soul, a great husband, both of our families, and even our precious Homie, Slick, and Bells.  But Thanksgiving is a hell of a lot of trouble for the time you get, and it's just not really that fun. I am excited to see my parents and grandmother, but could really do it with a bbq or something less intense.

So, grinches:  Christmas is coming.  If you don't want to hear Christmas music, don't come to my house, my car, or my office.

Get ready.  Get over it. And stop frowning at the Christmas spirit!


  1. I love it!! Putting the Christmas lights outside today. Got the tree too.

  2. fun!
    excited to see you all at granny and grandpas :)

  3. We decorated the tree today and Beth transformed the house from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So much better this year with the house instead of the apartment. Can't wait to see y'all too.

  4. I guess I miss out on preparation. I don't do any Christmas preparation and no shopping and don't get gifts for anyone. Well, I do some preparation; I check the football schedule to see which games will be on that weekend. That's very important. I hope you have a great week, Keri!

  5. it's okay greg. i still like you, just not as much.

  6. Geez, Keri, that hurts. I'll just assume you're having a case of the Mondays. I still love you the same amount. This probably makes me sound worse to you, but I tell everyone not to get me anything as well. I just like talking to or hanging out with others. I'm not big about buying them stuff and I don't expect them to get me anything. Not having to deal with that is a Christmas present to myself, haha.

  7. oh, well that's nice then. i like giving gifts :)
    i guess i re-like you the same amount as i did earlier today.
    happy holidays greggy-pooh.
