November 21, 2010

Triumphant Return

Hellooo!  We have (sadly) returned back to Birmingham from sunny San Diego!  Actually we have been back since Thursday, but shit man, it's been busy.  Jada had a birthday, then we went to a Thanksgiving potluck.  Combine that with the fact that my very demanding family wants me to make not one, but TWO dishes for the turkey table, I've just got my hands full. Can I be 8 years old again, please?

Newest news:  I'm almost done making Christmas cards, if I could just find the photos that I cropped to stick in. Damnit I have misplaced pretty much everything over the past couple weeks.

Furthermore:  I will NOT be running the Mercedes Marathon in February, because the training was ruining my life and killing my soul, along with my marriage.  Amy and I continue to run, but plan on doing the half marathon as buds.  This will free up time for us to do other, more fun, things together, yay!

Here are a few pictures from San Diego, but I promise a full report on all the festivities tomorrow.  It will be fabulous.

The "Spam-cation" cruise ship was towed into the harbour:

Trifecta from hell does SfN, again.  
Abby is leaving and we are currently interviewing for her replacement
Get ready to fill some impressive shoes, bitches.

Gautam interrogates poor Jada about that time he aggressively interviewed her for grad school.
She is distressed even now, and he wants to know why is she found him intimidating.
Also, there were 4 (FOUR) glasses of vodka involved.
Guess you had to be there.

Happy Sunday!


  1. sorry about your dead soul but sweet now i will have company for the half marathon!!

  2. also i would like to note that Jada did NOT drink 4 glasses of vodka. that was all gautam.
