March 30, 2011

Baby Muffins!

I have news!  There is a baby muffin in the oven!  I'm 10 weeks today, and of course we are super pumped. I simply couldn't keep it a secret any longer, so even though I worry that everything is going okay in there, I couldn't wait to tell the internet machine! It keeps me from having to worry all by myself, because I know I have a great group of friends out there to support me!

Here is the first addition to the Mans Family Album.  That's right.  Pee on a Stick.
This isn't actually my test, because the picture is on another computer.  But I bet you get the point.

I waited an extra 5-6 days to take the test because I wanted to tell Rob on his birthday! 

Below, I outline all the lies I've told over the past several weeks to cover the real reason that I have not been drinking.  

Gautam:  When I babysat your kids, I did not have a migraine.  Your kids and my day were not that bad.

Demet:  I am not terminally ill (or even ill at all) and I cannot participate in your fMRI study because I can't have MRI's unless the doc tells me too and the benefits outweigh the risks, blah blah blah.

In fact, I'd like to say at this point that I do NOT have any chronic health issues and I have NOT had to have any scans or tests to figure out why I have been having chronic migraines.  And staying away from alcohol (a known migraine trigger) was for a completely different reason.  

Dibs:  I wasn't actually feeling ill at your birthday dinner.  Everyone drank but me.  It was awkward.

Joy:  When we went to the St Patricks Day parade, you may remember me telling you that I wasn't going to drink because I have a personal rule against drinking during the day, and I only drink at night.

Amy, Johanna, and Edie:  No, I did not have a terrible bladder infection.  And I have not been on antibiotics. Also Amy, I've been instructed not to run for a few weeks, which is why I've avoided you like the plague lately.  I'm not mad at you!

Mom and Dad:  Yes, I still do very much like margaritas.  I know you saw right through that one.

Alaina:  I am very sorry I missed your wedding.  But there were a couple of very challenging weeks there and I didn't feel like I could drive 4 hours alone two days in a row in order to attend your wedding. I am so sorry I missed your big day.  No, we didn't have a brain emergency at the lab.  And Joy didn't have a family emergency, leaving me the only person to accept brains should we get one.  (Joy:  Sorry I killed off one of your family members in MD during this lie.)

Rosy:  You already know this, but I didn't have to get multiple cavities filled.  I had my first prenatal appointment, which took three hours out of my afternoon.

I think that's about all the lies I told.  I tried to write them down so I could apologize later! 

I don't want to overshare, so don't worry if you're a regular reader that I'll be telling you anything gross or inappropriate.  Pregnant women seem to love love LOVE over-sharing, but I will not do so unless I am asked a very specific question in person, because I realize most people don't find it relevant. As of right now, what you need to know is that the babe is due on Oct 26, I feel fine thankyouverymuchforasking, and no please don't just come up and touch me, pleasepleaseplease. Oh, and also, I'm very excited to be a Momma, and  my kid had better have some mad coping skills.

And even though I am now one of them, pregnant women are still smug (it's true!).  Watch the video if you have never seen it. You will die I promise.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Congratulations Keri and Robert! Your kiddo will be lucky to have you guys as parents.

    Keri, you will be a walking CO2 incubator for the next 9 months, except you won't need your water pan changed every week.

    Robert...You Da Man!

  2. CONGRATS GUYS!! Can't wait to see how your lives grow from this. :) all the best to the three of you!

  3. Congratulations!! Hope all goes well! This is Amy by the way

  4. I can't believe you kept this from everyone!!!!!! Congrats to the both of you!!!!

  5. Thanks everyone! It was hard keeping my mouth shut on my blog because that's where I post everything!

  6. Whohoo!! I hope you tell every detail along the way, i won't get grossed out!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!

  7. Congrats! I (Obviously) hadn't seen this yet when I was talking to you earlier, now I feel silly:)

  8. it was so funny, because i thought you had seen it and just didn't care to respond? but i wanted to wait and be sure that you had a chance to check the blog!

  9. HAHAHAHAH!!! I laughed so hard at all of your little lies that seemed to get a little out of control :)

    No matter what, I think we both have a little too much Lucy in us for our own good. I love you hun and I am so happy for you both.

  10. It's absolutely true, Kristin! Glad you enjoyed my adventures-it was a little sticky at times.
