November 3, 2011

Here she is!

I didn't need the induction after all!  I went into labor the day before my scheduled induction and suffered all night and all day until it was time for me to come for my "induction".  But by that time I was already at 5 cm!!  So I was so happy to see my anesthesiologist :)

She is so adorable, and Rob and I are getting the hang of it.  We head back home tomorrow to start our lives as a family!

Anyway, here is baby Emerald and her proud proud parents!


  1. Congratulations!!! I'm glad everything worked out well! She's SO beautiful! Great job guys! :)

  2. Congratulations!! Emerald is a cute baby. Thanks so muc for posting the pictures!

  3. I said it before, but congrats! She is super cute, and you know I would tell you if she wasn't. Tell Homie has been demoted to my fourth favorite member of your family.
    PS-is this the first time Rob has seen 5:56 AM? Two firsts in one day:)

  4. Oh jesus christ. Tell MR. Homie that HE has been demoted. typing fail.

  5. yeah i think this was a first! he even was asleep when i was in labor all night at home. but rob has seen 5 a.m. a lot more these past few days :)
    i will dress her in her bear outfit for you soon!

  6. I Love love love baby Emerald. She is adorable and perfect and you guys are two awesome parents. good job
