May 25, 2011

Poppyseed to Sweet Potato

At 18 weeks, the mini muffin is now the size of a sweet potato!

Taters, precious!

Crazy that when I found out about the muffin, he/she was only the size of a poppyseed.  Now that's productivity!

Not the most flattering photo of me in my yoga teaching
outfit, but it does show that I have a visible kid-pod.
And a sweet potato for reference.


  1. Wow, it may sound clichéd or obvious, but the rate of growth is amazing before they are born (I guess a little after they are born as well).

    I'm really excited for you about this Friday.

  2. It's a crazy amount of growth! I'll post the news as soon as I can on Friday!

  3. Finally you have a bump! lol. i love it!
