October 22, 2011

Adventures in Sleeping

Lots of pregnant ladies complain that they can't sleep at all when they reach the final weeks of pregnancy.  I am not one of them.  In fact, I am a champion sleeper.  

There is the occasional night when I wake up at 4:30 a.m. and continue to be awake, but these nights are far less common than they used to be. I credit plenty of exercise and a cuddly cat for the fact that my sleeping is still going awesome.

But this is not an entirely happy story.

Last night, Rob and I were watching "The Walking Dead" (it's a great show!), and I fell asleep like I do as soon as I stop moving for two seconds.  Then I was startled awake by some kind of vibrating growly noise.  I was like, "what was that?", and Rob was like, "oh, it was you snoring".  WHAT.  I SNORE?

And then this happened about two more times as I kept falling asleep and then waking myself up by snoring.  Snoring.  Uck.  It used to be that only Mr. Homie snored at my house.  It's not his fault, he is husky.

Evidently I snore now.  It's the newest pregnant lady development, and is pretty much guaranteed to go away when I'm not pregnant anymore. It's hard to say whether the snoring goes away because I won't be pregnant or because I'll have a tiny human keeping me from sleeping.  


  1. How unladylike, haha. I'm glad to hear you're not having trouble sleeping. I hope you have a good week.

  2. Heey Greg! I'm actually working all weekend in an attempt to get everything done in the lab so that I can work from home until the kid gets here :)
    Happy weekend to you!

  3. Thanks, Keri! I hope your weekend is going well also. Maybe you won't get too bored at home. I'm waiting to watch the Saints game tonight and I have a training class that starts at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow. I hope it's not too bad. Anyway, I'll try to talk to you or write you some time this week.

  4. I know lots of pregnancy snorers! Waiting to hear the good news! Gautam will be here friday, maybe he will get to meet her! Buffie

  5. Haha don't hold your breath Buffie! But I find snoring to be especially gross. So I'm happy to have that over with.
