October 17, 2011

Creme Brulee Birthday

I had an awesome and laid back bday weekend!  Saturday we got up SUPER early because Rob hired a cleaning service to come clean our house!  Nothing like not having to scrub a toilet on your birthday.  They did a great job (and all the windows).  So we went on an adventure and came home to a clean house!

We went to Chic-Fi-A for breakfast because we had coupons for free chicken bagels/burritos/biscuits. So that was cool.  Then we went to the market and had coffee and listened to the band.  We also went to the jewelry store and I got to point out all the expensive things I liked (maybe Santa needed some new ideas...). Then we went to the antique store and bought a new (to us) table and chairs!  It's all delightful and vintage-y with the most comfy kitchen chairs in the world.  So we were going to replace our old kitchen table and use the new one in the nook in our kitchen.  But then we decided that we would put it in our abnormally large living room because we ALWAYS need more table space when we have guests. Plus, it looks really good in there with the wood mantle and floors.  So now we have two tables and eight chairs.  Here is a pic of our new table in the nook in our kitchen, but now it isn't there anymore.  Anyway, you get the idea:

The top needs to be refinished, but other than that it's in perfect condition.

Then for my bday dinner we decided to cook steaks at home.  We've been doing this lately because Rob seriously makes the BEST steaks in the world and we are always sad when we go out for steak and pay lots of money and have regrets.  Plus I got to stay in my pajamas which is nice because that's the outfit that fits best right now! 
So he made steak and it was SO YUMMY.  And in the spirit of balanced meals, we also had garlic bread and roasted potatoes.  (Shut up it was my birthday and I wanted a carb feast!)  And Rob made my very favorite dessert, creme brulee!  It was his first batch, but it turned out perfectly textured and delicious.  Which was impressive, because the ONE TIME I made creme brulee I used a mix (yep they make those) and then I torched it too soon and it was a disaster.  Let's just say that patience isn't my strong suit.

Have a great week everyone :)

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