October 4, 2011

Best in Show.

Today I participated in poster session and presented my research!  I won the prize for best postdoc poster, $250!! I'm sure that someone felt bad for me since obviously I soon have to start shelling out cash for daycare. I have to say that the prospect of winning money was the main reason for submitting a poster in the first place.  I mean, if I was being honest, that's what I would say.

The poster session was part of a symposium for cognitive disorders, and there was free breakfast, lunch, and dinner involved.  AND the dinner was at Vulcan Park (which you might know is where Rob and I got married about 2.5 years ago).  We have not been back there since our wedding, and it was so surreal to walk around in the same place where I put on my wedding dress and got all hitched and stuff. So much has happened since then, it's hard to believe it's only been two and half years.  But anyway, I'll spare you the mushy musings.  But we did take some pictures to commemorate our visit.

On the city overlook at our wedding.

And today atop the Vulcan Tower--a lovely sunset too!

In other news, the internet machine (and all the baby books and apps) tells me that as of tomorrow, the kid is "at term".  Which means she could arrive anytime.  But let's be realistic.  I'll be pregnant forever.