October 26, 2011

Hello, Due Date!

Today is Emerald's due date!  Of course I expected this day to come and go with pretty much no excitement.  Due dates are complete bullshit, after all. But now that it's here, I'm more impatient than ever to meet her.  

Plus, I'm ready to wear pants with zippers again.  For real, y'all, I might just go get a pair of jeans that have zippers ALL OVER THEM.  That's how much I miss zippers.  Pregnant lady pants don't like to stay up. 

Here is what we look like after a full 40 weeks of happily gestating:

I'd also like to brag a little because my shoes and rings still fit.  And I'm at work today (what else am I supposed to do?).  And I have worked out 4 times in the past week, seriously, including weights! Though I have to admit that my workouts are much lamer than they used to be.  But anyway, I feel I deserve a slew of gold stars. Getting excited!


  1. Well, Keri, I'm hoping Emerald arrives quickly for you. If I were there, I'd give you a bunch of gold stars. OK, I probably wouldn't because I don't have any and I probably don't want to pay whatever I have to pay at the store to get them. So much for me sounding supportive, haha. Congrats on your shoes and rings still fitting and on the continued workouts!

  2. So glad this first pregnancy has gone so great! Hope labor and delivery does also. Can't wait to see pictures.
