January 5, 2012

Gettin' Ready

Hellooo Blogosphere!

I've been busy with my getting-more-adorable-by-the-day baby!  She smiles and plays and discovered her feet recently.  So if she's awake, we play!  

This has meant terrible things for the cleanliness of my house.  And for supper getting cooked every night.  Not to mention my gym schedule. Schedule? 

Good thing I have a great recipe for oatmeal/choc chip cookies.  You know chocolate is practically a vegetable, right? 

Anyway.  Emerald is 9 weeks old, and this is my last week of maternity leave.  I cashed in ALL of my paid leave PLUS sick days PLUS vacation days so I could be home with her as long as possible and still get paid.  But I go back on Monday the 9th.  I'm sure there will be some new mom tears, but I am anxious to get into a routine and be productive in a way that does not involve spit-up and nap-time.  I will miss spending every day with her-I know these baby days are going by way too fast (you were right, Buffie and Joy!).

I start teaching a class in Tuscaloosa this semester, plus going back to the lab every day, plus Rob having this HUGE project and a rigid schedule to adhere to, and a course on teaching to take for our program.  I think my boss wants me to write a grant, but I am pulling a Scarlett O'Hara and not thinking about that today.

I guess only time will tell if we can do it all...

Photos! We got a new camera recently and we're figuring it out.  But so far we love it. 

Reading books.  I've traded my Gone with the Wind for Eyes, Nose, Fingers, Toes.  
Starring Big Bird and Elmo.

Learning to use those arms and legs.

I found these great wrist and ankle rattles with different textures. 
Rob laughs at me because I always get educational toys.  Or books.
She loves kicking and punching to hear the sounds-Also she loves hanging out on her changing pad.
So we change her on the floor and leave her to play there.

Can't resist a sleeping baby.

Rob got the look of death for waking her up with the camera. 
It's worth it for a good picture I guess.

Okay hope everyone is having a great start to 2012!  You know, the Mayans say this could be our last year!  Make it count!

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