January 25, 2012

In which I applaud the vigilance of the Birmingham Police Department

When I was growing up, my mother would REFUSE to take the car out of "park" until everyone in the vehicle had their seatbelt on.  I remember getting in trouble more than once for taking off my seatbelt while driving in the car.  It was the most important rule in our house, just ahead of that "do your homework before you watch TV" one.  My mom should consider this a major success, because the result of that indoctrination is that I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt.  Sometimes I get in the car to clean the dash and inadvertently put on my seatbelt.  Thats dedication.

So.  We recently replaced the battery and got the leaky tire fixed in the mustang.  And we put in the car seat base, so I am back in business with my superfun car.  I forgot how much I love driving it :) The problem is that I'm a short person, and the seats in the mustang are pretty low, even though the driver's side one is fully adjustable.  You can't see my shoulders above the window.

Yesterday, I was driving to work.  It was a FREAKING GORGEOUS day.  70 and sunny.  I had the windows down and I imagined that my hair looked quite luxurious blowing in the wind (it was just my imagination...). I was wearing my seatbelt, but obviously the officer that pulled me over couldn't see that.  And then I spent the next 20 minutes of my life convincing him that I had been wearing my seatbelt, I didn't just put it on real quick when he pulled me over.  It was the hardest I've ever had to work to get out of getting a ticket, seriously. But I didn't get a ticket and I did get a good story about how there are real criminals out there and the Birmingham PD is ON IT, bitches.

Also, as promised, here are some new pictures of the gremlin.

That irresistible smile is an easy distraction from any work or house cleaning.

The easiest solution to sleep sacks that ride up, leaving legs exposed and chilly?
Baby leg warmers.  Adorbs.

1 comment:

  1. Police officers. Can't live with 'em ... can't caputre them all and put them in a room and slowly torture them for the rest of eternity.
