January 17, 2012

One hour and fifty-seven minutes.

I went back to work last Monday.  I dropped Em off at daycare and made a complete blubbering fool of myself.  Turns out, she survived.  AND I got to talk to grownups, eat lunch whenever I wanted, plus no one puked in my hair until at least 6:30 p.m.  Woot!  And the next day it was easier, and so forth. I still miss my little girl while I'm at work, but that's probably a good thing.

You know what is NOT easier?  Getting out the door in the mornings. Even if I do all possible prepwork the night before, it is just ridiculous!  Anyway, the first day it took me 3 hours from the time I woke up to the time I walked in the door at work.  It doesn't help that because of Rob's schedule I have to do all daycare drop-offs and pickups. During the course of the week, this time frame shrank considerably, but I stopped eating breakfast and I had to buy my lunch.  

We have a kitchen in our lab, so this past weekend I bought groceries.  And guess what.  Today it only took me ONE HOUR AND FIFTY-SEVEN MINUTES.  This is great, unless you consider it used to take less than half that time, and I did a considerably better job on hair and makeup back in those days.  Oh well.

Baby gremlin is growing fast, 11 weeks old tomorrow.  I'm sure she will be asking to borrow the car any day now.  Speaking of which, I paid off my mustang, which is great, you know because it's so practical.  Truth is, the baby seat fits in it just fine, so we plan to keep the fun car for a while.

Tuckered out after day care:

Just a couple more weeks and this jumper will be perfect!

Being good in her high chair while Rob and I eat dinner/snap pictures.

Happy Tuesday!