January 9, 2012

Making a rubric from scratch is...

...harder than I anticipated.

...less delicious than it sounds.

A rubric is a grading sheet to allow students to have a copy of their expectations on an assignment, for those of you that don't know.


  1. Yup, they definitely are there are a few tools online but those are usually kinda cruddy. The good new is once you have them you don't have to do them again... though even as I type that I realize that isn't very comforting..

    Usually I do a google search to see if I can find something similar for inspiration, sometimes I do get some good ideas. Lately I have moved more to a checklist format rather than a likert scale for some assignments and students seem to like those too since they can check off what they have done

  2. @ kristin: yeah the google-web helped a little, but i was really irritated that lots of rubrics for lab reports kept using the word "data" as if it was singular. anyway, i did get some good ideas, and then i used the word "data" correctly.

    @joy: sounds like a cube. feels like a circle with no beginning or end.

  3. Hope your first week back to work went well! Maybe it is harder because you have trouble focusing this week:o)
