January 31, 2012

Baby's First...


We have reached this unhappy milestone, and Emerald has a cold. I guess we lasted three whole weeks at daycare before she got sick. It's not the most awful thing imaginable, but she wakes up super congested and very unhappy.  Then there is me trying to get the congestion out (yes, with a snot sucker, gross) before I try and give her a bottle.  But then she gets mad because she HATES the snot sucker AND she's hungry.  So after about 20 minutes of wrestling  and coughing and snorting in the morning then getting the vaporizer refilled, she gets fed and happy and goes back to bed.  I feel bad for her, and it's sad because we usually play in the mornings and she is not having that for sure.

I also have a cold, but whatever illness I have is certainly secondary to whatever she has.  The upside to having a sick baby is that I barely notice that I have a cold too.  At least I can take decongestants. 

Chillin' with the vaporizer.


  1. Oh poor Em! Hope she feels better soon. I have a cold too oh how I miss being able to take the good meds :(

  2. I hope both of you are better by now.

  3. we are both better now, but em still has a cough that sounds pretty yucky.
