December 22, 2010


Today was my last day at work for the year!!  And I left early to boot!

In other exciting news, I got bangs yesterday. Please nevermind the luggage under my eyes, as I am very tired from all that holiday prep, running (lots less running now admittedly), and yoga teaching I've been yammering on about.

We will be in the land of NO INTERNETS starting tomorrow, and I will be limping along on free wifi on my iPod when I can get it.
Headed to the center of the universe, Gainesville, FL for four days with the inlaws.  We have fun with them, but four days is a long time to be company at anyone's house in my opinion. However, they LOVE Christmas, and love to entertain us, and we always have a fun celebration this time of year.  In January we will visit with my family for a belated Christmas.  How lucky am I to have two families to celebrate with? We're certainly thankful for both.

Anyway, Merra Merra Chrima.


  1. I got full bangs yesterday too! Must have been the solstice. ;) I'm liking yours - good move.

  2. thanks girls! all the yogis loved them too.
