December 15, 2010

A trip to the pharmacy

Nowadays, you are treated like a common criminal when the only problem is that you have a common cold.  

Sudafed purchases now require you to show your drivers' license and sign a form saying you are not going to make meth.  Unless you buy the stupid sudafed made with phenylephrine, which doesn't even work.

ALSO, this is actually being phased out so that you will actually need a prescription to unclog your head due to a cold.  This is already in place in MS, and well on its way in AL.  According to the pharmacist, it will take place in all 50 states. Which means you and I will both be those assholes that go to a doctor when all you have is a head cold.  But if you are like me, not breathing is not an option.  Stock up as best you can.

I wish I lived in the olden days.  See below.

I think I should move to a country in which you can purchase codein in a coke-bottle sized package. See the bottom of the picture, it also came in GALLONS.  Who measures medicine in gallons??  Probably the same people that eat canned octopus.

And, what ever happened to putting old people in their place?

And finally, I could really use a an ampule of sodium pentobarbital right now, especially after witnessing first-hand what it does to mice. And hearing about how Marilyn Monroe met her unfortunate end.

Thanks Joy for these jewels.  Happy Wednesday everybody!

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