December 7, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like....a holiday tiger!

We finally have our Christmas tree up (and decorated, not just sitting in a plastic bucket)! I wrapped gifts for about 4.5 hours on Sunday afternoon, still not done, but almost there!  I have to spread out the joy, because, as you know, wrapping gifts is my FAVORITE.
Amy came over, we ate Mediterranean  food (yay, falafel!), watched "Eat, Pray, Love", and wrapped and wrapped and wrapped.  I would just like to note here that "Eat, Pray, Love" is a terrible movie and the main character is a completely self-absorbed asshole/moron. But we still had fun like we always do, and it was nice to not be running for a change!

Then, yesterday, we decorated the lab!  We have this really awful mirror painting of a tiger from the 70's hanging in our lab (because it is awesome), so we decorated the tiger for Christmas.

Here are some pics of our gifts and tree. And of course, the holiday tiger.

Not a great pic, taken with Joy's cell phone.
But I think you get the point that we are an awesome lab.
We are going to decorate him for every holiday, yes we are.

A close-up of Rob's first gift to go under the tree!!
(note the jingle bells and home-made tag, *toots own horn*)

"To: Momma
From:  Rob and Keri"

Bells and I try to keep warm.  Yes, that is my fleece she is wearing!
Her doggie sweater wasn't doing the trick.

As close to snuggling as these two get.
Can you even see Bells buried in the blanket?
Also, Slick is about 2X the size of our dog.

Our tree!  With presents!
Turns out some of the ornaments accidentally got left in the attic.
Oh well.

Happy Tuesday everybody! Hope your holiday prep is going smoothly and you're having fun :)


  1. I see Slick is putting on his best "fuck you" face for the camera. It is his most handsome look.

  2. He is. In true Christmas spirit!
