February 11, 2011

I'm a runner (and Healthcare Reform starts with YOU)

I am so excited to run the half marathon this weekend! It will be my 4th, since I don't do them every year. Celebrating health and fitness, while raising money for a good cause!  I don't do it to compete (although I'm proud of Amy and I for scheduling our runs together), I do it because it makes me feel good about what my body can do.  I do it because I like to be around other healthy people.  It's so empowering to see a few thousand fitness enthusiasts in one place (especially in the deep South, lol).  And even though we are "only" doing the half (13.1 miles), it's still quite and accomplishment.  I hope one day to do the full-only time will tell.

So I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think it might be soapbox time.  Feel free to stop reading-I think I'm about to get preachy.

It's so sad that our country is one of the fattest in the world, and it's even MORE pathetic that we are passing on the grand traditions of McDonald's meals and sedentary lifestyles onto our future generations.  

I love Sonic burgers and french fries. Like, seriously, LOVE. And I have them once in a while.  However, Rob and I cook at home, and use REAL (not fat free, not sugar free) ingredients.  We have vegetables with every meal even though Rob would prefer steak with a side of ribs. We also love air popped popcorn, and we drench it in butter.  Not every day, but at least 3 times a week :) I eat what I want, just not a ton of it.

I exercise several times a week. Yoga, running, weights, sometimes insanity.  It makes my body look better, but this is just a fortunate side effect of the main thing-feeling happy and de-stressed.  It helps me sleep better.  I don't have a perfect life, and scheduling is sometimes hard.  Some weeks are better than others for both diet and exercise. But I make it a priority, and you have to have a system in place, just like getting up to go to work. 

Here's the main thing.  I absolutely don't believe anyone who says they never have time to exercise.  Sorry, I just don't.  Whether you have kids or not, life is busy.  I can't tell you how many people have told me that I will get fat when I have kids and no longer have time to exercise. I admit it will be more difficult and I will have to make some changes, but I hope I can continue to make it a priority in my life when that time comes. I know people who do; you just have to want to. There's Amy (three girls ages 4, 2, and 1).  There's Beth (three girls too!). There's Gautam and Susan, two kids that are doing the kids' marathon this weekend. Gautam is doing the whole 26.2!! They each instill in their kids a healthy lifestyle as well, which I think is fantastic. 

We have a problem in this country of fixing all problems with medication.  Need to lose weight? Move more, don't take a pill.  Feeling sad?  Go for a few walks a week and see what happens.  Having trouble sleeping?  Jog around the block a couple times, and I promise it will help you fall asleep faster. 

I don't want to tell people not to take medication-some people absolutely need it and I will never argue against medication that is needed. Major depression is a serious illness and absolutely must be treated by a doctor, for example. My argument is that we are so over-diagnosed, and sometimes the old fashioned way is the best way out - instead of a quick fix.  It would certainly help our healthcare system and costs if folks would take a pro-active approach to a healthy lifestyle. You don't have to be skinny to be healthy. I admit this is easy for me to say, since I have never had a weight problem, but I fluctuate just like everyone else.

Anyway, I'm inspired by people that work hard to live a healthy lifestyle and to pass it on to their children too. To all of you marathoners, half-marathoners, 5K people, folks running to the mailbox, or walking around the block:  Hats off, keep up the good work, y'all!

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