February 7, 2011


This past weekend I played catch-up.  Which means this post is a real sleeper.  I went to the lab, dropped off Rob's wedding band for repairs (Rob has two weeks of the single life, lol!), caught up on groceries and laundry, snoooze.

I also went to Steven and Amy's house for a Superbowl party and watched approximately 20 seconds of the superbowl.  I was not even in the same room as the TV.  Sweet.  I felt mostly ambivalent about it anyway, it's just not the same without dem Saints. And let's not kid ourselves about them heading to another Superbowl in the coming millenium.  Don't get me wrong, I will still be a faithful fan.  But you have to understand that being a Mississippi State Bulldog, a UAB Blazer, and a Who-Dat does not exactly inspire continuing confidence in a football team.  Anyway.

As is the case for all superbowl parties I go to, I got placed in a somewhat uncomfortable situation. I'll only tell you about this one instead of all of them to avoid "short story long" syndrome.  

See, there was this guy Conrad there, and we struck up a conversation because he is about to finish his biology degree. Turns out he already knows Rob, and knew Rob was the neighbor and married, but didn't know me until yesterday. So we were chatting about careers and my dissertation (vomit), and this other girl, Kristin, walks in and asks, "so, how long have you two been married?"  It was more uncomfortable for him than it was for me, I just thought it was hilarious.  Then, the same girl asks, "so, Bonnie is your little girl?"  (There were quite a few kids there, and Bonnie does happen to have delightfully blonde hair.)  Wrong again.  Poor Conrad saw this as a prime opportunity to get as far away from me as possible.  Ha.

So, hope everyone had a fun weekend!  Amy and I are gearing up for this weekend's half marathon, so that should be fun!

Happy Monday!

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