February 6, 2012


Well.  The biggest news of the weekend was that we got our new sofa delivered!  It's a La-Z-Boy that reclines on BOTH ends, so Rob and I never have to sit next to each other again. 
But alas, we watched a movie last night while sharing ONE of the recliners.  Old habits die hard, I guess, and at least we still like each other.

New Sofa!  I was so excited that I shook the camera and now the pic is blurry.

Waiting on the boss to render her verdict.
(Bells anxiously awaits in the papasan)

I like it! 
Sitting on a blanket--no need to test the SUPERULTRAFABRICSHIELD 
stuff they put on it to protect against vomit and various other gross things.

Em is now three months old and considered a "supported sitter", so we got her a Bumbo-like chair to practice her sitting in.  It's technically called a "Bebepod", which is pretty damn close to "Babyholder" (Abby).  I liked this one better because it straps to a chair, has a little seatbelt, and comes with a tray and toy attachement. She now has more special seats than just about any child should need, I think. And we have even more babyholders under the crib, just waiting on her to get big enough to use them us to have the floor space to set them up. 
Babyholders in the living room.

Babyholders in the nursery.

A babyholder in the bathroom.

After using the bathroom babyholder.

Enjoying the Bebepod.

In the outdoor babyholder, getting ready for a run with mom.

At least she uses them and we aren't just tripping over them and cussing for no reason.

Things are getting easier, baby-wise.  This weekend was one of the first "normal" feeling weekends we have had since before becoming parents.  I still feel like I'm in a time warp where it is always November (probably because I don't remember November at all), but the day-to-day is manageable, dare I say enjoyable?  It was really always enjoyable, but it's nice to feel a little more normal now. Em got through her first cold and now just has a disgusting sounding hack. And there was no new-mom freakout or trip to the pediatrician, so I feel I deserve major points for that.

Rob is trying to rack up brownie points because he wants to go on a (possibly overnight) fishing trip sometime soon.  So he took care of the baby for most of Saturday so I could get some stuff done, and then he washed and waxed the mustang.  I mean, I already told him it was fine if he wanted to go on a fishing trip, but I won't argue with a clean shiny car!

Happy Monday!

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