February 15, 2012

Inadequate Moms at the Daycare Day.

Yesterday was not Valentine's Day.  I mean, it was, for all intents and purposes.  Now that I have a child in daycare, I have come to realize something very important.  

I am inadequte.  

Really, I am.  I would love to say that I'm a superdupermom who makes cakes and brings presents for her daughters "class" full of three month olds at the daycare center.  I have to admit, I heard they were having a Valentine party, and I was like, "really?"  Anyway,  after I got over the initial shock, I read the list of classmates and teachers and came to realize that I only needed like 10 valentines for Emerald to "give" to her "friends".  Lots of quotes in this post, huh? And then I decided it was pretty cute that even the tiny infant class got to have their own party.  

So I went to target and bought a box of Hello Kitty Valentines.  They included magnets!  How could I go wrong?  Well, for starters, I thought the magnets were going to be rectangular shaped, but they were circular, roughly the size of a quarter.  I left the magnets out, because FAR BE IT FROM ME to bring a choking hazard to the daycare.  I filled out the cards with each child's name very neatly printed on his/her valentine card.  I wrote special notes from Emerald to her teachers thanking them for all they do every day to keep her fed, clean and happy, etc.  I did all this ONE WEEK AHEAD OF TIME! I thought I was doing a great job.  Here is proof:

I sat down with my Betty Boop coffee cup and got to work! I also paid some bills.
Please note the tiny choking hazard magnets.

So when Valentine's Day came yesterday, I congratulated myself on the following as I was running out the door (with my hair flowing luxuriously behind):

1.  I remembered it is Valentine's Day
2.  I put Emerald in a red onesie with Minnie Mouse and some hearts on it.
3.  I remembered the Valentines.  I chose to carry them to daycare in the box they came in and didn't see anything wrong with this.

So then I got to the daycare feeling quite good about myself, and this lasted about 2.5 seconds until I realized that the other moms made CAKES (for whom?), and brought PRESENTS for the teachers!  I thought my nice note was enough, because hell, Rob and I don't even exchange presents on Valentine's Day.  I got some beautiful roses and carnations which he arranged for me, and he got a card and some chocolate.  And we spent some time together.  I didn't know there had to be presents. And some people made these special bags for the kids to put their valentines in.  I did not do this, because as you might have heard, MY CHILD IS THREE MONTHS OLD.  Anyway, the teachers made bags for each of the babies, and Emerald got a cute construction paper carrying bag of her very own.  

Then I got to work and Joy gave out homemade cookies with sprinkles and yummy frosting and then I felt worse.  And she told me to get used to it, that this is just the beginning!

I shared some Hello Kitty magnets with Lesley and Joy. And when I got to the daycare in the evening, the teachers all told me how much they enjoyed their notes.  

I guess it turned out okay in the end. And as I said in my previous post:  I don't shake her.  I don't leave her outside.  I make sure she is fed and clean.  I read books to her. I suppose the kid will be fine.


  1. Keri I think that you are a WONDERFUL Mommy, and I love reading and laughing at your posts. I enjoy even more that I now have someone to share the insanity of motherhood with. - joy

    1. Joy, as always you are far too nice to me :)
