February 20, 2012

Sunday Lunch

This weekend Rob and I went over to our friend Rosemary's house for Sunday Lunch!  I wouldn't call it Brunch because it was at 2 in the afternoon.  Anyway, we had salmon croquets, green pea and mashed potato nests, green beans, and scones.  And I learned how to make salmon croquets.

True story:  I thought I had never had a croquet before.  I envisioned it to be like a Hot Pocket with fish inside, which made me less-than-excited about eating one.  But then I learned it's a smallish salmon patty made with onion, bread crumbs, lemon juice and spices.  And except for getting Tony Chachere's spice blend all up in my nose and throat, it was an overall good experience.

Another true story:  Rob and I came down with some kind of terrible plague last week.  I didn't think I was sick until I started experiencing sharp piercing pains in my ears, down into the tubes that connected to my throat.  And pressure behind my eyes that made me sure that my face would just blow right off.  We are recovering now, but man that sucked. Must have been a virus since neither of us really had a fever, and we are getting better.  Emerald, so far, has not gotten it, and I now understand what babies with ear infections must feel like. Could it be too much to hope that she will never get one?

Anyway, in order to prove to you all that...
1.  I DO leave my house sometimes.
2.  I DO interact with people other than my baby...

Here are some pictures.  I have to say they are not my best work.  And you know I'm not so good at pictures, even on a good day.  I will just blame it on the earaches and lack of balance--you will notice that I'm not holding the baby in any of these pictures! Enjoy :)

Rosemary in her element.

The Castello's with my kid.  Why my kid?  Don't they have three?  Soon to be four...girls!
We love them. I swear they are the best neighbors and we are lucky to have them :)
Em did not participate in happy photo time.

Amy with Addi the porcelain doll.

Rob got lots of help with feeding Em...

Addi is obviously ready to be a big sister again. She loves baby "Ehmrull" so much :)

2/3 of the Mans Family fails at happy photo time.  Also, maybe I could have fixed my hair a little?

Rosemary snuggles with Em, still not really participating in photo time.  
But this was about 2 seconds before she fell fast asleep on Rosemary's shoulder.

Hope everyone had a great weekend, despite the supercrappy weather.

1 comment:

  1. how great are you?! Thanks for the encouraging words, and i'm really happy to know that you're checking in on my blog. i feel so far away from home most of the time, and that's one place where i always feel like i'm with old friends.

    as for you (yes, keeping up with you through the blogosphere) i am not surprised that you and rob popped out one of the cutest children on the planet! you seem to be handling parenthood with all the grace and humor i'd expect. and i love to read - you've got a real 'voice' that sounds so much like the real you.

    please keep in touch (even just through comments) and i'll do the same. love and hugs!
