July 8, 2010

Anniversary! Like a Million Years Later.

Rob and I had our one year wedding anniversary on April 25, 2010.  To celebrate, we did something a little out of the ordinary.  We went to visit his grandparents.  But they are the people we know who have been married the longest (presh!), and they rent a river house, and we needed to visit anyway.  It was lovely.  They really made our fist anniversary special-we fished the first day.  Okay, mostly I read a book, but being outside on the water was lovely.  The day of our anniversary we woke up to breakfast complete with mimosas and they helped us eat our cake topper.  Really I think it was the best way for us to celebrate and reflect on our first year of marriage, and to hear some really great stories of their marital adventures and mishaps.

On the way there, we passed a giant cow on a truck.  Drink milk and eat more chicken, it seemed to say.

First, we stopped by to see Rob's parents in Gainesville.  Our nephew Cooper was there (new haircut that made his mommy cry), and now that he's more interactive, is a super cool kid.  He's growing so fast!

Then we got there!  And watched Granny feed the daily visitors.  We also drank a lot.  A lot a lot.  And when we got back I felt pickled and ashamed to be outdrank by the old people.

Rob did what he does best.  We enjoyed beautiful weather!

We fished.  The highlight of the day really was when the fishing pole was snatched out while I was peeing in a bucket.  But later on we were able to catch up to it and retrieve the pole.  Below is some detail of the line-untangling extravaganza that followed. 

We went out to dinner, complete with HUGE margaritas at a place whose name I can't remember.  Anyway, it was great, because they let us take our margaritas to go!  New Orleans style!

So that was our first anniversary, and I look forward to many many more.  (Get ready for mush...) Because I'm very lucky.  *Of course, Rob's very lucky too.*

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